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“We have fallen upon evil times. The world has waxed old and wicked. Politics are very corrupt. Children are no longer respectful to their elders. Each man wants to make himself conspicuous and write a book.”
– Naram Sim of the Akkadian Empire, 5,000 years ago.
This just goes to show that stupid doomsayers have been warning about the end of the world for 5,000 years.
That cycle will likely occur with whatever comes after it, with something being initially good but then being made worse over time for profitability reasons until something else replaces it
enshittification - (neologism, information technology) The practice of degrading services once a company or vendor has a monopoly on that service.
It was better back in the day when my parents and your parents arranged a marriage based on who had the best plot of farmland on the manor fields and who brewed the best ale. I’m sad I can’t marry the serf I’m sweet on, but seeing that all their property and the family itself are owned by the lord it won’t do my family any good, and anyway the lord probably wouldn’t allow the match if we asked. I will die at the age of 40 from an unexplainable illness which a person in the 21st century might recognize as skin cancer. It will be said to have been a good and full life.
We could always do what my grandparents generation did. Two neighbouring families would marry off their children to each other since they were the only people for a days wagon ride, that’s how I ended up with a double-cousin-aunt on my dad’s side and overall a smaller family tree than one should probably have. But I turned out fine so I don’t see why Tinder is better than you and your brothers all being nice to the neighbour girl and her sisters
Common Aroace W
…well, except when I hadn’t figured it out yet, I was looking for a relationship and almost entering the incel (well, r/foreveralone, which is just a cove for depression instead of misogyny) spiral because I thought that was what I wanted without understanding what a relationship entails. Dating Apps were an interesting experience. At least in my area, it was the dullest people imaginable, horny people, scambots and the weird feeling when you spotted people you already knew IRL.
Ah well.
it was good for like an hour one time when i was in college and somebody told me she liked me. it was never good before, has not been good since, and i have no illusion that it will ever be good again.
Everything has always sucked, for all of recorded history, because class society has existed for all of recorded history. Next question.
There is a finite and fixed quality of bullshit in the cosmos and while there are local variations it is uniform when viewed from a sufficient distance.
so what the universe being big doesn’t make our lives less meaningful any more than your life is more meaningful from being in a small space
Ulysses; “Recorded History” refers to those portions of History for which we have written records & sources. At what time, and in what kinds of societies was writing invented?
This is an important thing consider; because it doesn’t include societies, or peoples that didn’t write down their histories. In which things probably were different. But we don’t descend from those societies, and we don’t follow their rules now do we?