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if im not rawdogging it in a baptist church known for hate crimes by the end of a date, the scene is stale
Unironically. I don’t want to have deep, meaningful first date conversations. I want to have sweaty undeservedly passionate sex in the back of a Kia with someone i met an hour ago whose name definitely starts with an M, i think.
I miss being young and living in a city with a thriving professional weirdo scene.
Everything has always sucked, for all of recorded history, because class society has existed for all of recorded history. Next question.
Ulysses; “Recorded History” refers to those portions of History for which we have written records & sources. At what time, and in what kinds of societies was writing invented?
This is an important thing consider; because it doesn’t include societies, or peoples that didn’t write down their histories. In which things probably were different. But we don’t descend from those societies, and we don’t follow their rules now do we?
There is a finite and fixed quality of bullshit in the cosmos and while there are local variations it is uniform when viewed from a sufficient distance.
so what the universe being big doesn’t make our lives less meaningful any more than your life is more meaningful from being in a small space
Sucks even harder for minorities who are targeted by sexual racism. There is some real dumpster fire discourse among diaspora East Asians about this, for example.
hardly qualifies as discourse, bunch of strivers uncritically regurgitating manosphere narratives and their parents’ reactionary politics
You don’t think being emasculated and dehumanized for centuries has any affect on the perception of Asian men?
being emasculated and dehumanized only affects asian manosphere insofar as they remain incapable of assimilating into whiteness (and its corresponding sexual benefits/social status) as easily as their female counterparts
masculinity is just a number to them, they have no conception of what it is outside of a quantitative (and overwhelmingly western) context
The manosphere dudes are at least half the problem, but their existence certainly doesn’t explain all those ridiculous articles from women trying to explain their fetish for mediocre white dudes as some sort of deep cultural awakening.
As for reactionary politics from parents, that’s also a huge problem but ironically it’s the manosphere dudes who tend to push back against that by advocating interracial dating.
the manosphere dudes are largely a product of the white fetishism that goes on in the asian female community, asian chicks post hart-celler really threw asian guys under the bus. someone on here a while back said this was a common sociological phenomenon for 1st/2nd generation immigrant women but i’m pretty sure the degree to which whiteness is fetishized in asian female communities remains an outlier, sociological phenomena notwithstanding.
the type of reactionary politics i was referring to mostly consists of standard american conservatism: rampant anti-blackness, bootstraps mentality, communists ruined our country, america was good to us, we wuz khanz/colonize the colonizer narratives, etc. as an aside, i’m really skeptical of the whole ‘asian manosphere does interracial dating’ thing, i just can’t see the massive insecurities they carry around being good for even a normal relationship, much less an interracial one.
My coworkers tell me that they find Asian guys hot. That is, if you’re 6’2, have paper white skin, and look like a kpop idol
As degrading as that is, it’s actually an improvement from the previous mainstream stance of “Ewww, no.”
At least your coworkers are capable of acknowledging that Asian men can be tall and attractive instead of universally short scrawny nerds.
I always found the “Asian men are unnatractive/sexuless/whatever” thing utterly bizarre. How does normative racism like that even get started?
See, I’d see the silver lining if it was just other groups of people but in my experience Asian girls also tend to think they way too so it’s just :kaneki:
“We have fallen upon evil times. The world has waxed old and wicked. Politics are very corrupt. Children are no longer respectful to their elders. Each man wants to make himself conspicuous and write a book.”
– Naram Sim of the Akkadian Empire, 5,000 years ago.
This just goes to show that stupid doomsayers have been warning about the end of the world for 5,000 years.
That cycle will likely occur with whatever comes after it, with something being initially good but then being made worse over time for profitability reasons until something else replaces it
enshittification - (neologism, information technology) The practice of degrading services once a company or vendor has a monopoly on that service.
I wonder what other possibilities there are. Like, it’s hard to imagine a nomadic group having a similar “dating” culture to post-war Western countries.
Depends on the group and a whole lot of factors. Some nomadic groups had/have super strict dating and relationship norms, others would make free love hippies blush. It’s hard to make really broad, general statements about human behavior like that.