It’s not just the languages with all the extra letters either, UK keyboards seem to also have the chonky Enter key
I guess the looong Lshift kind of makes up for it
How are you going to work the spreadsheet mines without the Numpad smh my head
Ergonomically the numpad was fucking with my wrists since it was changing the angle of how I used the mouse. I switched to TKL and never looked back.
We used to. What ever happened to that?
i like the shift-shaped enter key. i only barely put up with the enormous space bar tbh, keys should be small as a general rule imo.
Get a Japanese keyboard. They have so many extra keys on the bottom row, the space bar is barely wider than a normal key.
nothing better than slamming that big ass enter key; i wish we had a bigger Lshift too
Whatever the key that’s next to Lshift is handy in games though, easy to hit with your pinky
True. I use “ESDF” rather than “WASD” on an ANSI keyboard, so “Z” is my pinky key
I’ve always taken pride in having independently re-invented WASD back in the Doom days, and used ESDF instead because caps lock isn’t a real key. People called me stupid. It taught me a lot about groupthink and when you tell people they’re wrong and your method is better, it makes them feel bad. Since they identify the bad feeling as coming from you, you get attacked so as to restore their groupthink.
That’s because the american keyboard layout is designed for for gaming excellence.
need that loooong shift so I can sprint up to noobs with my tactical knife easier
Who needs an easilly accessible enter key when you are doing all the communicating you need to by shouting slurls into the voice chat (push to talk disabled of course)
push to talk disabled of course
Got to establish dominance by letting everyone hear you call your mum a bitch when she knocks on the door to tell you your tater tots are ready.