The entire movie is very much running with “Rich kid with issues beats on poor people” and constantly has characters and the plot force him to evolve past that, or at least, try to in a way that doesn’t feel forced.
Enjoyed the movie until it ended with the very :LIB: message of “trust the police, national guard, and our electoral system to be the real heroes in the end”. Still more fun & better politics (whatever that’s worth) than the Nolan movies tho IMO
It might be pretty lib to make the choice to begin with but plenty of reactionaries end up transitioning from legitimate systemic grievances to “we need to purge society of unclean elements”
Also its about how its not heroic to just terrorize the lowest rungs of society through random acts of brutal violence, not that I have much hope that whatever film they make next with Pattinson will take care to remember that for when it needs a fight scene.
It’s the closest any Batman film has gotten to pointing out Batmans whole MO does nothing to stop crime. He does also say the police commissioner deserved to get killed so it gets 5 stars from me.
love pattinson’s wayne, which takes batman seriously, and concludes (rightly) that he must be the product of a developmentally delayed weirdo.
Nobody should ever take Batman seriously. He’s a comic book hero who’s themed after bats. He fights crime because that’s the single least creative thing a comic book hero could do. TBH the 1960s series with POW and ZOINK was the best take on the character and remains so today.
People kept going on about this being another layer of dark and gritty but this movie was really fucking funny when it wasnt about a mediocre straight love subplot.
Robert Pattinson just walking around as overgrown emo teen Bruce Wayne is amazing visual comedy to me.
Was this the one with the bat credit card
What was the riddle and why didnt he solve it?
How do you get out of a room with no windows or doors, only a mirror?
Only carpentry experts will get this
Does one simply smash one’s way out? I feel like i’m out of touch with the working class as well :stuff:
You look into the mirror, see what you saw. Then your take the saw and cut the mirror in half. Then you take the two halves and put them together to make a whole. Then you climb through the whole.
IIRC theres a map of the city hidden beneath the Riddlers carpet that details where bombs have been placed to flood the city, and he doesn’t solve it because the hint is the carpet tucker that he assumes was just another weapon or something.
He only solves it when he accidentally tricks the Riddler into believing he did solve it already by showing up at his jail cell, which would be safe from the flood. So the Riddler starts rambling about the final plan and Batman has no fucking idea what he is going on about.
No way most working class people know what a carpet tucker is, or knew about it before this movie.
I honestly thought it was some kind of scraping device, or a wide chisel-like thing.I had no idea a carpet tucker was a thing.