Alex Jones Jr.
Even if we assume this is 100% correct and that being trans was something that happened to someone because of some kind of chemical exposure completely against their will, wouldn’t that make trans rights all the more important and humane? Like, in this scenario these people have essentially been poisoned against their will and are then seeking medical treatment to ease their suffering. That would make transphobia and violence against trans people even dumber and stupider than it already is
The underlying assumption of the JRE sphere (not exclusively, but definitely there) is that illness is a personal failure, as such, it tracks that these removed would need to be fought against
This is just like before science any illness used to get blamed on sinning or otherwise upsetting the gods. Health capitalism is where market forces are the gods and individual responsibility is to blame on how market forces effect you.
The right-wing emphasis on inDivIDuaL ReSpoNSibIlIty ties back to their fundamental ideology of natural inequality and, as a result, their categorical denial of environmental factors and systemic issues. Basically “If something bad happens to you, it’s because of your personal failings. Your personal failings come from you being a naturally undeserving person.”
This ideology serves to justify horrendous inequality as being the natural order of things, for example it allows you to claim “Well it wouldn’t matter if I gave this homeless person a house, they would just sell it for drugs and alcohol and be back on the streets in 2 weeks.” That is quintessentially how they think. Every individual has a god-given “quality” assigned to them at birth and the “superior” people will naturally gravitate towards their rightful place in the hierarchy over the course of their life, and this hierarchy must be preserved.
Once you understand this, all right-wing rhetoric makes sense. If trans people get mocked and harrassed by society, that is because they are naturally inferior and less valuable people, and them seeking equal rights is literally an affront to fundamental right-wing ideology because it is an attempt to undermine the natural hierarchy.
very relevant to what you are saying:
So, because this is all vague and counterfactual, the answer is both difficult to determine and pointless, but it would depend on if it was caused only by continuous exposure and how difficult it was to reverse. I think the normal “medical ethics” answers would be: If it needs continuous exposure, the answer would be to simply stop poisoning the water, with little else needed (and obviously should be done in any case). If it was easy to reverse in a non-invasive way, that would probably be the better solution. If it was difficult to reverse or overly invasive, that would represent the hardest-to-determine range of scenarios. If it was irreversible, then yeah just give them treatment like we currently do.
And if it was a chemical in the water (which to be clear, I really don’t think it is), it would clearly be a permanent effect after exposure, because otherwise trans people would move to like, some place with proper drinking water regulations (or whatever the “source” is) and 5 years later just start to detransition or something
Obviously it’s not actually a chemical in the water, it was just a question of what would be “correct policy” if it was. Just to be extra clear, we’re talking about politics in a fantasy world.
But yeah, I think you’re right. I suppose it depends on how widespread the conspiracy supposedly is, but we can probably presume Russia and Iran aren’t trans-ing their population and yet we don’t have testimonies of such cases, so it must be permanent (or permanent after a certain amount of exposure, like a chronic injury).
It would be pretty awesome if it was true because it would mean we could trans all the chuds.
Tfw you’re talking with an eco activist and nodding, hoping they don’t veer off and start dropping fash talking points of one type or another.
Eco-fascism is America’s future. We literally have no idea how else to approach the problem.
People keep saying it but honestly I think it’s nonsense. We won’t have eco-fascism, we’ll just have regular fascism. We won’t face the problem with fascism, we just won’t face the problem at all.
When are the fascists going to start pretending to care about the environment?
When environmental degradation starts impacting them personally.
We’ve seen this by degrees in the American Southwest. People are aware of their water shortages, so the solution tends to be hording and blaming outsiders for the droughts.
We’re seeing it with anti-natalism and eugenics theories reasserting themselves. We’re seeing it on the Texas border, with vast fortunes invested in militarization of the Rio Grande.
Fascism is the reactionary conciliation between the socio-economoc demand for a unified state and the capitalist demand for endless growth. In practice, this means a policy of hording, seizing land through military control, and purging the population to satiate the Imperial core.
The driving force behind these patterns of behavior will be climate crisis. That’s the Eco part.
Seriously. Working in Food Justice activism, i find myself fighting against indiscriminate use of agrochemicals, low gastronomic biodiversity (how most of our diets depend on a couple varieties of corn, wheat, soy and rice), and the loss of food heritage worldwide to globalization and capitalism. Then, sometimes i’ll find someone who nominally supports the same cause, but their solution is a fascist ethnostate. Yea.
Well… I mean, Cornell West ditched the PP so of course RFK Jr. had to PooPoo. The balance must be kept.
Boy, he sure is making the rounds on chud podcasts, isn’t he?
Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, who’s next, Micheal Malice? Triggernometry?
Why isn’t he appearing on any Democrat podcasts?
Dems are just pretending primaries now. There shall be only
Unless you’re running Green or left-er there is no left in American politics anymore. It’s dead. Bernie 2016 was the last gasp for generations.
Dems are just pretending primaries now.
Ignoring the opposition is a tried-and-true political strategy, as any engagement is ripe for media coverage and boosts your opponent’s name recognition.
This isn’t an insidious plot by Democrats to guarantee Joe Biden a fast track to re-nomination nearly so much as it is a consequence of a heavily privatized and censored private sector media landscape. Biden had the same uphill struggle when he ran for President in '88. Clinton went full clown mode in '92 because playing the sax on Arsenio Hall forced people to say his fucking name, whereas Jerry Brown and Paul Tsongas wasted away in obscurity.
RFK Jr running the podcaster circuit is at least as smart a move as anything Ralph Nader or Ron Paul managed under similar circumstances. Free media is worth its weight in votes.
Unless you’re running Green or left-er there is no left in American politics anymore.
There continues to be a real struggle between liberal and conservative political forces in the US. But its a Coke/Pepsi fight over market share more than a material fight over policy.
There’s also a very real economic struggle within the US as a result of its fading international image. Ukraine is an outgrowth of that. Sudan is an outgrowth of that. Our pissing match on the US/Mexico border is, too. Our increasingly contradictory relationship with India and the South Pacific, as well.
Politics is happening everywhere. The Leftist angle is simply the only one you’re seeing, because of where you’re positioned.
I thought it was because everyone is doing an end run around the corporate media now. Pretty much everyone agrees they have their own agenda and will act in their own interests at every opportunity. I’m just questioning his choice of podcast to appear on. Maybe he just took the top-rated ones? But then he’d be on MrBeast and PewDiePie and whatnot…there are tons of 10M+ subscriber Youtube creators. That’s more views than MSNBC gets.
i’m convinced the only reason he’s popular right now is because the Q Boomers keep mistaking him for JFK Jr
thinking about it, seems strange that I haven’t already heard a conspiracy shower thought about contaminated drinking water causing transality before today.
"Let’s see, I’m going on Alex Jones, what is he known for? Frogs? Drinking water chemicals?
But what if I was to make my own conspiracy, and disguise it as Alex Jones garbage? Oh ho ho, delightfully devilish, RFK!"
You’re giving Jones way too much credit. RFK sucks but people are concerned about this because of the gonadal deformities it causes in frogs, up to nine uteruses, etc.
After Tyrone Hayes said that a chemical was harmful, its maker pursued him. By Rachel Aviv February 2, 2014