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I’m assuming there were either liability requirements or Laws of the Sea requirements. My understanding is that mariners aren’t supposed to give up on rescue attempts until they’re sure, even if they people they’re trying to rescue are complete shitheads.
At least it was painless.
WTF is an implosion sound? Write out the sound you detected like a comic book sound effect bubble you cowards! Was it a KAKLONK sound or more of a SQUEEEEESH?
The bottom panel makes a strong case for “KRUMP” “THLOOSH”
There is a type of crab that snips so fast that creates tiny implosions. Id look for it but i dont do youtube.
Mantis shrimp make cavitation bubbles by springing their arms forward so quickly it has the same force as a .22 caliber gun and create underwater shockwaves that can kill prey even if they don’t make physical contact with it.
Do you think there was like 2 seconds where a tiny leak started, and they looked at it and said “that’s not good” before being smashed into a singularity?
James Cameron said in an interview like yesterday or something, that they probably heard the hull groaning or whatever word he used. Er er er er er eerererrrerr that kind of shit.
And then it took literally 1 millisecond to incinerate everyone inside the cabin and pack them into a dense wad of ash that then exploded less than a millisecond later
Yes apparently they were all incinerated in a flash hotter than the surface of the sun, because they were riding essentially an enormous cavitation bubble
wait what, how does that work? like theyre underwater but its hotter than the sun?? Username relevant to my inability to understand this btw
Oxygen is flammable, compression can ignite it due to the heat generated sort of like how a diesel engine combusts by super high compression rather than a spark plug. Air molecules got super-compressed and flash ignited.
Know how in a diesel cylinder, the fuel ignites just because of pressure, with no spark plug needed?
Yeah this video shows near-vacuum bubbles collapsing and striking a beer bottle. Note that the glass doesn’t break because of a shockwave traveling through the the glass - it breaks because of the tiny bubble collapsing and causing a little bit of water to slam into the glass.
The bubbles are just above 0 atmospheres, while the surrounding liquid is basically just at standard earth air pressure at sea level, around 1 atmosphere. So the difference in pressure here is 1 atmosphere.
The titanic wreck is sitting under 375 atmospheres of pressure and the cabin was at 1.
What if they decided to not tell anyone cause they thought stretching it out would make for good television.