Only thing missing is a good set of speakers, a TV stand and a bed.
But seriously if I had the money, I’d love to do a room where everything is transparent/made of Perspex or glass. Like the transparent Gameboy, but for the whole room. Transparent DML panel speakers, all the plastics and metals on the TV and games console replaced with transparent bits, a glass table, glass cupboards/storage, some minimalistic see though chairs. I think it would be a great great look for just one room.
What’s wrong with that? The person has nothing so they started with the essentials, tho I don’t think a TV should be a priority.
This is a better example of someone starting a home with the essentials first:
nothing wrong with the room itself but its that cryptobros think this is peak sigma living to become a billionaire.
I want to say I saw comment somewhere where someone said that after years of having nothing they finally had a paycheck that would cover their expenses and have some money left over so they bought a TV and a game console. Like they had the bottom of the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid covered for the first time in a long time, so they used the surplus they had for something that would provide them entertainment and relaxation they hadn’t previously been able to enjoy.
A: Hi, I’m a monk.
B: Interesting, I’ve never met a monk before. Benedictine? Cistercian? Buddhist?
A: Crypto.
about to move for the first time and i’m pretty sure my room is gonna look like this for a week or two. assigned male at apartment