I saw a guy comment on this image once. He talked about how he’d hit absolute rock bottom at one point in his life, but managed to claw his way back up and get a job that let him get an apartment. Most people see this image as a huge failure, but he explained that in his case getting that bare apartment with an air mattress was a huge step for him towards a better quality of life.
TBH, this is true of me as well (maybe not to the same degree as the person you were talking about, but I can relate to it is my point). I was living with my mom until last December, and from the time that I graduated high school until I was about 28-29, I had always been either long-term unemployed, underemployed, & working for minimum wage.
My apartment looked pretty similar to this (and tbh is still pretty sparse, although now I have an actual bed), when I first moved into it.
A: Hi, I’m a monk.
B: Interesting, I’ve never met a monk before. Benedictine? Cistercian? Buddhist?
A: Crypto.
about to move for the first time and i’m pretty sure my room is gonna look like this for a week or two. assigned male at apartment
I love my brother and his wife, but their house is stuffed. There’s barely any floor surface that doesn’t have furniture. The non-kitchen furniture that’s made for sitting on has throw pillows on top of throw pillows on top of throw pillows, and the non-kitchen furniture that’s not made to sit on is loaded with photo frames and/or lamps. The walls are covered in art and framed photos. I walk in to their house and immediate claustrophobia sets in. The queen-sized bed in the guest room had (last time I visited) two sheet blankets, four comforters, and six pillows.
At least they keep the place clean. It’s not a hoarder house. Just filled with so fucking many things.
I beat the male allegations by becoming a weeaboo instead. It’s not a trashy mattress on the floor - it’s a classy futon!
I beat the male allegations by becoming a weeaboo instead.
That one can go either way tbh; but I am glad that you fell on the side of the divide that you wanted to.