Weird framing of “men” and “females” instead of “men” and “women”.
Where does it say ‘females’? All I see is female, like the adjective, which isn’t at all weird imo.
Young male virginity on the rise.
Share of men under 30 who report zero female sex partners since they turned 18.
The tiny print directly above the graph.
Just odd that in the same sentence its not “Share of males under 30 who report zero female sex partners” or “Share of men under 30 who report zero women sex partners since they turned 18.”
I’m sure grammatically its correct, just feels odd these days.
Female as an adjective is way less weird than female as a noun. To me it just feels like the adjective form of woman, since there isn’t really an obvious alternative (I mean there is womanly but that means something different and it would be 100x weirder to say ‘zero womanly sex partners’). I guess if you wanted you could talk about ‘woman sex partners’ rather than ‘female sex partners’, but that still sounds kinda weird to my ears, just as ‘man sex partners’ would.
Maybe men are just more honest, instead of 80s guy “I had sex hundreds of times by 14”
“bro i’ve fucked way more than you”
“no way dude I’ve fucked way more than you.”
“On the count of three we both say how many times we’ve had sex”
“1, 2, 3”
“infinity squared.”
Jordan Peterson kermit voice: “We need to do something about our young men!” Except it’s destroying the capitalism that is destroying them (rather than enslaving women to act as their surrogate mothers whom they are permitted to fuck).
Started shooting straight up 2008-2009. Thanks Obama. Slope gets more extreme when Trump gets into office. Hmm
I’m curious to hear what happened between 2006 and 2008 that caused so many folks to get laid.
I understand how the survey has serious flaws but I think there is a kernel of truth in there. People are getting more lonely and having more trouble forming meaningful relationships to other people, sexual or otherwise.
The chud explanation would be to blame woke feminism and me too (Hurr Durr! You’re not allowed to do anything today without a written consent form!) whereas the liberal explanation will be to close their eyes and pretend everything is fine with all the opportunities the market provides for socialising.
I think the cause for loneliness today is directly related to capitalism and the commodification of human emotions. There are very few communal spaces left where you can socialise on an equal footing with peers and even if there was, work is hogging too much time and energy and the market is constantly grabbing your attention with some shiny gadget that there’s very little room left for being genuinely social.
Sex is better under socialism. An oft-cited fact is that east German women had more orgasms than their west German counterparts, indicating that socialism is more conductive to forming healthy sexual relationships than capitalism. In the GDR you didn’t have a huge advertising industry to tell people that they were ugly and that they needed some commodity to be attractive to sexual partners, they didn’t have conservative brainworms trying to make people feel guilty for having sex and they didn’t have unemployment and poverty to make people too desperate to have sex or class divisions to make people feel too fancy to have sex with someone of a lesser standing than themselves. What did east Germans have instead? They had gender equality with financial independence for women and that economic equality fostered more equal and thereby more rewarding relationships between men and women. East Germany also had high levels of material security, leaving people free to pursue social relations as they didn’t have to worry about having their basic needs met. And finally east Germany had a sense of community, people had something in common and felt involved in eachother’s well-being instead of being atomised consumers.
In short: Capitalism is cockblocking you whereas socialism will get you laid.