Mine is probably the Liberty City Minute achievement for Grand Theft Auto IV. I think technically you have 30 hours to beat the main storyline but I managed to power through and beat the entire game in one sitting.
Achievements were only added in after an update a couple years ago (when they removed the dated Games For Windows Live DRM that made the game pretty much impossible to play without modding) so it’s technically not the rarest for the game. The achievements for getting the highscore in QUB3D and flying underneath the bridges are even more rare but I’d argue they’re easier to get.
What Steam achievement are you most proud of?
Is there one that took a lot of time to get? Did you have a good time with friends? Was it an achievement you struggled to get on other platforms when you were younger?
Regardless I’d be interested to hear about it.
I’m proud of all my achievements equally because I use SAM to get them.
Clean hands and Ghost for Dishonored. Never really knew for sure if I had alerted someone or someone I knocked out got eaten by rats until I got the end summary of the chapter, which would lead to me playing the entire chapter again.
I didn’t attempt that for Dishonored 2 and just went chaos mode.
I think I tried to get one of those achievements but was under the impression knocking people out was fine and didn’t end up getting it.
I could be thinking of a different game though.
Other knock out stealth game I can think of with that type of achievement is Deus Ex.
For me, I’d say it’s a close call between GTAIV: Ballad of Gay Tony’s “Gold Star” achievement for 100%-ing all the DLC missions, or Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s “Factory Zero” achievement for completing the Missing Link DLC without using any praxis upgrades or weapons (This one was on Xbox 360, but it’s in my steam backlog too!).
Lazy Bastard in Factorio. Basically automate as much as possible as soon as possible. I recommend everyone go for it to truly appreciate the nature of the game.