Previous Hexbear post on this issue by
This is insane. I mean .world was already a cesspool but jfc
the leftism leaving people’s bodies when veganism is mentioned
Ma, I’m famous
Hope lemmy.wehrmacht follows their leader. Also hope you repost this comment too, fascist losers
The moral panic over hexbear is so cringe. Like there are a few people that post here I think are a bit cooked, but it’s honestly a low % than world or whatever. They seem to think you’re some hoard of psy-ops agents champing at the bit to round people up and Dirlewanger Brigade them.
Mostly it’s just shitposts and bitching about the usa which is entirely justified as it’s an evil military empire…
They’re apparently going to release an actual statement on the “incident” Later today. It would be surprising if anything good came from that after they wrote these new rules to justify further actions.
I hate that i ever had a positive interaction with someone as pathetic and worthless as rooki. (not that any of the other disgusting tumors that run are any better)