They need to touch serious fucking grass. Ratio’d the fuck out of them when they tried to take an Ultra-Maoist stance on why Socialism With Chinese Characteristics is Capitalist.
Legitimately think they are seriously struggling in their personal life, they’ve been malding in nearly every comment for the last bit. I kinda pity them.
He does struggle with a lot of personal stuff. Health/disability issues. Medical cannabis to cope with chronic pain.
Before he was a mod I used to chat with him quite a bit on my alt.
I’ve seen a picture of him. Very masculine presenting, so I assume he uses he/him pronouns
That’s sad to hear. Hopefully the pain has a cure or treatment, but health issues are awful regardless.
I think they need to take a step back, maybe purge their online presense for a bit and come back later, do a bit of a detox.
As for pronouns, Flying Squid doesn’t list them so I don’t use he/him, that’s just my personal stance. I know people who go by they/them or none/use name online (my fiance being one of them) despite having a binary gender, so I’d like to respect that at least unless I find a statement otherwise.
Thanks for the insight!
No I feel you on the pronouns. If I hadn’t seen a picture I would use they them as well. And maybe I still should even having seen a picture.
Hey I also really appreciated your analysis in that thread. I read the comment you linked.
I mean, Mao being a left-deviationist as he obviously was doesn’t make Deng not a right-deviationist, as one would hope to be similarly obvious. Deng talked a big game about the Chinese becoming rich but, by his own standards of a new bourgeoisie forming, capitalism was reinstated, and on top of it he caused a massive increase in extreme poverty for decades by breaking up collective ownership.
Yes, this is also true, hence why the CPC is moving more towards the left, as they reverted too far to the right. You test, readjust, and test again, and readjust again. This is the path of dialectical materialist knowledge.
Deng gave China what it needed at the time, which the Gang of Four did not. Undeniably, there is a bourgeois class, but the CPC appears to be retaining control, and metrics are improving. We can’t erase Deng’s achievements for miscalculating, just like we can’t erase Mao’s achievements for miscalculating.
Overall, though, it’s important to recognize that this was in response to an absurd claim that China is “Communist in name only” and that the presence of a stock market and billionaires means the system is Capitalist. By that same logic, the US is Socialist, because it has a Post Office.
It seems perverse to me to say that Deng “gave China what it needed” by depriving countless millions of people of their needs.
I have no interest in the broader conversational context, mostly because I think it’s hopeless to try to talk about, at least for me.
That thread was genuinely hilarious and also a good reminder (to me) that liberals will refuse to engage with supporting sources (even from their own preferred media outlets) if it’s in contradiction with their vibes-analysis of something. The bad faith accusation against you after you effort-post replied multiple times in a non-combative and sourced way was pathetic even for that instance.
Godspeed to you continuing to try to help the few salvageable world members.
Thanks! Yep, you nailed it. Liberalism cannot coexist with genuine analysis along the lines of Dialectical and Historical Materialism. You can notice that they took an ultra-Maoist stance, evidently making it seem like they supported the Cultural Revolution entirely and are anti-Dengist, but they also are generally liberal and anti-Maoist. They have no beliefs, they just want to purity test everyone.
In my opinion, people easily fall into idealist critiques of Marxists if they don’t read Marx.
All. The. Time. It’s why I mostly don’t even bother arguing with people who won’t even at least attempt to read Marx or any theory. LIke, don’t even throw dialectics in the mix. I just want these people to grasp the basics instead of running to cliches and fallacies.
I have been weening off of the debate-broing (even though I still do it ) but I think clearly pointing out the court jesters for Imperialism, the “left” anticommunists that don’t understand the very beginnings of Marxism yet claim to be critiquing Socialist movements “from the left” is invaluable for leading other people to theory and radicalization.
I have no belief that Flying Squid will become a Marxist after this, but maybe one or two libs were SWCC-pilled when they saw my dunk on a post, and may reconsider their anti-PRC stance in the future. Just a small hope.
If it wasn’t for online debate-broing on reddit I’d probably still be a DemSoc tbh.
Watching Libs interact with MLs on forums and subs is what prompted me to get curious about the Left, in general.
Getting banned because a .world mod lost an argument to you gang
I’ve pretty much given up on trying to argue with them. I got ratio’d hard for saying that Biden pulling out of Afghanistan was good, actually. If they can’t even bring themselves to accept such a stance when it would benefit them because the news said it was bad, then I think it’s just completely impossible to find traction. They neither have any sort of skepticism towards the media nor any problem with any war ever. These people belong on r/neoliberal.
You do understand that there’s a whole new government every few years, yes?
You did fail to follow rule 5 of that community
Rule 5: Keep it civil
There’s no need to treat others with disrespect when you are having a discussion. In fact you make points better when treating others with respect, compassion and kindness.
Flying Squid breaks Rule 5 all the time, that’s more of a vibe rule the mods use to censor opinions they don’t like over on
So many instances of it not being used, they get more angry at people reporting all the uncivil shit than the actual uncivil content
Yep. It’s peak liberalism, they keep rules to selectively enforce yet pretend they are tolerant.
Civility politics and tone policing are forms of systemic opression that silence the rightful anger of marginalized groups and those who are understandably pissed off by the inhumanity and cruelty of the status quo. Remaining calm at the sight of the world we live in, treating those who violently exterminate people with respect and compassion, telling people who are tortured with injustice every day to maintain a straight face, these are atrocities in themselves. Your ability to remain kind in this system betrays your privilege, your lack of compassion, your ignorance and your total lack of actual principles.
Or, if you do not understand jargon and need to this to be put more plainly: Fuck off, you bloodless nazi apologist.
I’ve come to the conclusion after lifetime of trying to remain civil when dealing with reactionaries the responsibility is on them to not be reactionary and it’s not my job to fix them. My job is to keep myself and others safe through any means necessary.
White people are constantly expecting us to fix their friends and relatives or not rock the boat. They never speak up for our side, even when it’s as simple as “Hey you’re coming off as racist.”
You said it perfectly: Nazi punks fuck off.
shut up nerd
If someone is seriously trying to pull this shit where the US government foreign policy doesn’t have a continuity AT ALL they’re just being a smirking asshole
the argument was over the second they got exactly what they were asking for in terms of citation and turned around and shit on the chessboard
Fuck You tone policing me. I called them unserious.
In fact you make points better when treating others with respect, compassion and kindness.
Seriously, fuck you. I was only uncivil when I told them off for threatening me. Don’t fucking lecture me.
Do you think acting so aggressively towards me is making me take your words more favourably?
I really don’t give a shit.
Okay that’s not true. I’d like you to reread that last bit. Please and thank you.
Maybe another mod can give me their opinion. I don’t believe it matters when it’s an instance that’s been downright hostile to Hexbear from the beginning. Can anyone help me out with this one?
Not a mod, but fuck that; we don’t approach the opps on some Jesus Christ kumbaya shit regardless of where we are. If the opp’s a known hostile why the fuck would you treat them like it’s all sweet?
Sorry I’m old, and I don’t know the meaning of what you said.
The poster above reported for posting about a mod in another instance. I’m still trying to do my best with limited experience. I should probably get on the Hexbear matrix already.
It stops being a “discussion” when one side ignores evidence and arguments that illustrate the answers to their questions. The rule says “Engage in good-faith and with respect!” so the civility rule was broken by the mod before AntiOutsideAktion called the mod names.
Kindness doesn’t fix idiots. Respect is earned. Bullying works. If people aren’t called stupid for saying stupid things they will keep saying stupid things until they become stupid people. Being kind and civil is just enabling stupid people to have stupid ideas and stupid ideas can become dangerous easily.
Propping up a fascist government with money enabling it to force more involuntary conscripts to die in the hopes that someone will come save them when nobody will is a fucking stupid idea. That stupid idea is getting men killed as we speak and “civility” was a big part of how we got here. If Putin had been less civil and invaded the moment he realized ukraine had been taken over by nazis, the nazis wouldn’t have had 9 years to train. Instead Putin tried to negotiate with nato and ukraine and they lied to him and built up their army and prepared to ethnic cleanse Donbas.
Get a load of that idiot patting themselves on the back like they’re a champion boxer with footwork that makes them untouchable by the likes of you or me