I will never forgive Disney for introducing Wakanda to white people
Am I the only person who thought the giant forcefield protecting Wakanda being activated/deactivated by a tribal drumming routine a bit iffy? To me that would be like MI6 Q labs being unlocked by a Morris dancer troop.
I’m still mad they kept the weird “We pick kings through ritual combat” angle
Which, you know, making the technologically advanced nation governmentally regressive is still really racist
Even wypipo would ideally know better than to have “the world’s friendliest CIA agent” among the supporting cast of heroes in the movie. Or so I’d like to think… though then again, “CIA killing/torturing/drugging Anglo wypipo = bad, CIA killing/torturing/drugging anyone else = good” probably is the logic
No he wanted to kill all non-blacks by sending weapon caches to London and Shanghai!
Why do Zionists act like Isreal was “carved out of the desert” from nothing? Palestine has been inhabited by people for thousands of years. Some of the oldest continously inhabited cites are in the Levant.
I mean i get its there nonsense propaganda, but it’s so ignorant of just obvious things - like you know thousand year old cities
It is part of the dehumanization of the native population. “They were all primitive and savage and now look how we’ve civilized the place.” To propagate the myth of a land without a people, just the same as the Native American or the Native Australian populations who have been conveniently ignored so you could displace and/or kill them.
I never realized it but you’re right that it seems extremely reminiscent of the myth of the untouched wilderness of North America or Australia. It’s like “Wow! It’s so empty and ready for settling!” when there’s whole populations and societies who have lived there for thousands of years and carefully cultivated the environment. Both still have to go through a long, struggling genocide to settle the area so you think that would dispel the myth right there, but for some reason it still persists for all 3 areas, even today.
Palestine was fertile olive groves and wheat fields since antiquity. Is Italy a desert as well?
Its like euro settlers in the americas calling native civilizations “a vast empty wilderness”
A side effect of the Nakba was increased desertification of Palestine, because Isn’treal neither had the manpower, nor the knowledge of running the intricate water infrastructure of palestine after ethnically cleansing most of the place.
Israel did not make the desert bloom, it made the larger.
If white people are so great how come nowhere in Europe looks like the city from the Jetsons?
I just typed out a comment about how this is the kind of rhetoric that led to his murder, and unfortunately I am proven right. What a despicable person.
Only Zionists have the audacity to use racist imagery of non-white men sexually assaulting white women to justify “retaliatory” violence (ranging from “individual” lynching to collective punishment/pogroms) and then act incredulous when someone from a group historically targeted by that violence doesn’t want to fuck with them.
(Yes, I know many non-white Israelis exist and can be just as much Zionist-fascist pigs. Doesn’t mean Israelis aren’t perceived to be whiter and more “Western” than Palestinians by Westoids, which is something that the Zionists themselves love to exploit)
It’s a period of US history. Post-Civil War. I’m assuming she’s arguing against the amendments made for freed slaves during that time
Edit: looks like she spends most of the argument making the case that the poor confederates were treated so harshly post-war when in reality the Republicans should have gone a lot harder
What is reconstruction ?
The period that came after the Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation that should have seen the South rebuilt, and Black subjects of empire made not only whole, but equal to the white man. (Only part of one of these things actually happened.) Large parts of the efforts aimed at making newfound Freedmen whole would be scuttled by the klansman king Andrew Johnson and those to follow him; notable among the reforms that got the axe being Union general Ulysses S. Grant’s “Field Order 15”, which is where the ‘forty acres and a mule’ bit in Amerikan history sources from.
I think only like ten Freedmen actually got that land and mule before Johnson deaded that order.
I mean always good advice, but perhaps a palestinian of all people can be forgiven for not knowing US historical terminology, they’ve had a lot else on their plate lately
When Liberia was founded, the “Americo-Liberians” subjugated local Africans and placed them on the bottom of the social hierarchy even after “equality was formally mandated and the True Whigs’ dominance in politics lessened. It was one of several galvanizing factors of the Liberian Civil War.
So the fact that she made that comparison is interesting…