What do you guys think about this glasses to use daily to escape Facial Recognition? Worth the price? Does it really work?
Relevant xkcd: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/license_plate_2x.png
I doubt they work, and they’re definitely not worth the price imo
I can get a pair of prescription sunglasses for less than that
Idk if regular sunglasses will prevent your face from being captured by facial recognition systems.
And how exactly are these glasses preventing that ? Simple ray optics would suggest otherwise !
They are made from a material that reflects visible and/or infrared light and its lenses block the system that is used to measure the distance between your eyeballs avoiding to create a unique profile from your face. Many facial recognition cameras (not all) relies on infrared to search for patterns in human face and this glasses reflects IR. These glasses are one of the few tools that we can at least use to try protect our privacy against facial recognition.
I read somewhere that during covid there was a big shift in recognition techniques to overall facial morphology & gait recognition.
I’ll try & find an article. Mask up & keep a coin in your shoe.
If you keep a coin in your shoe everywhere you go then you will have the same gait regardless, everywhere you go.
The purpose is not to avoid profiling while doing “sneaky shit”. I don’t do “sneaky shit”. The point is to avoid being profiled.
This seems more like an art project than a functional product. Highly doubt it’ll work
The only thing they block is the eyes, nothing is obscured otherwise, their own demos on their website show that.
I personally won’t be wasting my money, if I want to obscure my face I’ll wear a face mask and color contacts like I already do.
but if we combine the glasses with a mask maybe we have a good approach, right?
I suggest balaclava with ski mask. Or this. https://medieval-armour.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/002_2-03_lrg_so.jpg