god i feel so bad for her, she came out bravely and was dragged through the mud and people aired out her dirty laundry that was completely irrelevant anything that happened between her and biden.
the shittiest part about it is that the people who performatively supported the me too movement dropped her like a hot sack of potatoes the second she threatened the win of their beloved senile rapist. the ones who should’ve had her back were attacking her the hardest :/
i hope she recovers okay. she’s been through enough
I am still reeling over how quickly libs turned on #believeallwomen. It’s genuine brainworms and I’ve lost a lot of respect for some friends over it.
Remember: Joe Biden is a rapist.
Poor Tara. No doubt she got a lot of threats both when she came out with what happened and now that biden won. I hope that disgusting old man dies a painful, slow death and she outlives him.