I gotta give it to mulberries, don’t get enough attention!
The buds of the flower Bauhinia variegata are both cooked amd used for pickles, spectacular stuff.
Appalachian area here, and more people need to know about pawpaws for sure.
How has no one mentioned saskatoons / juneberries / serviceberries yet? Looks like a blueberry except it grows on a tree.
Concord grapes. You all know the flavor, because it’s the flavor that artificial grape flavor is based on, but I’ve only seen the real things in farmers’ markets in the Northeast US. They’re only available for a short period, and they’re amazing. A blend of intensely sweet and intensely tart.
Definitely muscadines and persimmons.
My favourite langsat. It’s sweet and sometimes sour, flesh is like rambutan.
Yessss. I’m only just realizing how many foods I don’t know english names to lol.