I don’t really know what to do with this information. But it’ll be interesting to see if Disney does anything about it .
Disney already owns the Punisher logo and they have basically their own private police force so why would they even give half a fuck?
Seems like they’d let their own personal police force use it, but get really mad about anybody else using it. They sued a dad because he wanted to out spiderman on his kids gravestone of all things. I don’t see why they wouldn’t go after a group of cops for making mandalorian challenge coins or whatever.
this poster just fucking outed themselves as a nerd
but anyway folk who were really into space warrior armor along with those stormtrooper enthusiasts were always gonna be fash adjacent.
its a beast that was native to the mandolorian people’s home planet. It was really hard to kill/tame but the mandolorians did and it became a symbol for them
man no mention of the imperial base built inside the mythosaur skeleton fake fan
I dunno. I just know that’s what it’s called. I’ve seen 8/9 of the movies and that’s it.
Please Mr. Mouse ©️™️®️, send in the copyright deathsquads
Shit, can we counter-assimilate a beloved Star Wars symbol?
Preferably something cool and non-fashy