Sorry but the man doesn’t miss.
AOC is a DemSoc. I don’t know why people expect so much more out of her. This is what they do.
The overton window in America is shifted so far to the right that figures like Sanders and AOC are seen as “far left” but in any normal country, they would be centrists at best.
I don’t know why people expect so much more out of her.
Because she criticizes folks like Biden and Clinton for pushing the Iraq War, she’s willing to call out the IDF for massacres they commit about Palestinians, and she voiced support Evo in Bolivia.
So people assume her politics will be better in East Asia.
All time great poster. Everyone else can delete their twitter accounts
he really is the best poster ive ever seen tbh
Anointing an avatar of your movement and then expecting them to have the best takes on every single issue under the sun is liberalism
No for you see, you’re simply being too harsh on her. This was simply an oopsie and she accidentally did an imperialism.