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Unrelated note this guy here doesn’t believe in Germ Theory
Holy shit I thought you were kidding but he’s unironically defending Lysenkoism
Real heads remember that r/cth was built with screenshots of this account lmao
It’s not like there weren’t any to go around. Tweets a billion times a day about how viruses aren’t real
What’s interesting here is that Star Wars was inspired by world liberation movements. George Lucas said he came from a cultural anthropological perspective and said that he was inspired by how to view the world through systems, which is something a leftist would say. I don’t blame anyone for blaming Star Wars for being fascist considering its assimilation into the American borg of pop culture though.
I can’t remember if he’s been that explicit about it, but he’s absolutely implied it before.
He literally says it straight up here
At about 1:20
I love how Cameron tried to steer it towards “the English Empire” and Lucas keeps dragging it back to “Fuck America” lol
Sorry bud but if you do not take every opportunity to forsake anything in life that makes you happy in order to become the purest, most communismist person in existence, you are actually being extremely uncommunism
no lies detected