I was sleeping on this podcast till now because I’m lazy. But yesterday I decided to go through the episodes/clips on YouTube and wow they are good! I’ve no idea how they manage to get so many awesome guests - Richard Wolff, Zizek, Chomsky, then you’ve got Nina Turner and Cornel West, there’s Boots Riley, it’s just incredible. And all of them are so honest and upfront and open when talking. I’ve never seen Wolff this animated and lively when talking to someone else or even on his own show! It’s incredible.
EDIT - What the fuck happened in the comments?
It’s a good cast, I wish Virgil spoke more, but I appreciate his single interjected joke every 20 mins.
I like it too. Often Dem soc but better than most. I tend to want more funny quips from Virgil but it’s not what that pod is.
I’m curious, what position do you think a dem soc should hold that Brie & Virgil don’t? What is the rhetorical & practical difference between a demsoc and a ‘socdem that disavows democrats’ in today’s US?
I think demsocs in the imperial core should just not and get an ideology for grown ups