Waaah trying to fix the environment is too hard.
It’s easier to simply create a new home on a world without air, water, food or energy millions of miles away.
I know if human civilisation survives more than a million years here on earth then yeah eventually we’ll have to leave, but leaving now??? So shitty.
Mars for the privileged
Earth for the poor
It’s almost like they never played bioshock or red faction. Marscucks confirmed for fake gamers.
I wish they did move to Mars and had to live as a serf on Elon Musk’s fucked up version of Rapture
I’d love for those people to actually fuck off to Mars. Living there is just incredibly hard, harder than living on Earth even in worst worst worst-case climate change and pollution scenarios.
How about we trick millionaires into thinking Mars is better than Earth? A reverse Psychology Elysium?
What if instead of spending billions of dollars to go to Mars, we just had healthcare?