Bugger [he/him]
https://twitter.com/catiewayne this is her twitter, seems to be doing fine.
Maybe, but anti communism is inherently baked into social democracy. It does not seek to advance itself into socialism, it seeks to preserve capitalism by making it slightly less(openly), hellish(at least for those living in the global north). Even in the US, I do believe it had it’s biggest communist movement before the new deal(which tbf, was not a social democratic project, but it worked the same in practise). Not after. And although I believe that it would be a massive step left as you said, I don’t believe it would necessarily lead to moving outside of the extremely capitalistic framework. But I don’t live there. So I’d rather not comment on it further. I’m just sceptical I guess.
Also as to not confuse people. I am not some insane person that believes we should not be happy when places like Finland reduces human suffering. It should be celebrated(When good things happen its good? What a concept). I also think it’s important to separate global north social democracy and global south social democracy. For reasons I think many already understand(I probably should have specified that earlier sorry).
b8, you really think we give a shit about january 6th?
Great guy, asked him for book recommendations about China/its revolution and he delivered. Books in question were:
Edgar Snow: Red star over China
Jack Belden: China shakes the world
Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby: Thunder Out of China
William H. Hinton: Fanshen: A documentary of revolution in a Chinese village
He also said that any Peter Hessler book was fine. I’ve only just started Red star and I’d recommend it.
The cum town lawyer.
Something like this happened in Sweden. A guy had been dating 24 women simultaneously, who didn’t know about each other. Very psychopathic shit. For example, he had a notebook where he wrote down every single conversation he had with each girl so that he could keep track of all his lies. Didn’t seem to be any other motive other than getting off on manipulating people. Someone made a documentary about it, “Anders, jag och hans 23 andra kvinnor”(Anders, me and his 23 other women). It probably hasn’t been translated, but if you understand Swedish it might be worth checking out(haven’t seen it myself). Here is an interview with the guy: https://www.expressen.se/noje/livet-efter-anders-jag-och-23-andra-kvinnor-nu-orkar-han-beratta/
You didn’t ask me, but I do live here. So I’ll try to add something. The state of socialism here is non-existent(at least here in Sweden). Trade unions are not much better. It’s important to remember that social democracy does not actually help advance the cause of socialism. It is instead one of the most efficient blockers of it. Right after the Russian revolution, Sweden was almost on the verge of following suit. But most revolutionary movements were “calmed down” by the social democrats, like Hjalmar Branting. But even that is withering away. Things are getting privatised, tax cuts, market rents, etc. We wanna be Neo Lib America so bad. Even our work culture(every type of culture really I mean look at our covid deniers), is trying to emulate america. All this entrepreneur bullshit, startup culture, grind culture, company is a family, etc is becoming the norm. On the electoralism side we seem to think that the only solution to our problems is doing racism and taking away parental leave for fathers.
As a bonus, I remember getting my first history book in school and reading through it. It stated 300+ million people died due to communism and why its important we never let it happen in sweden. I also remember a book that stated that its bad when to much socialism(which was defined as when the government does stuff), is bad, but also when there is too much privatisations. IE social democracy=Best thing ever.
I am a bit tired so sorry if this was un-readable or very rambly.
I think it was Milo on trashfuture that said that the future will be just like they told us how living under communism is but shittier and more expensive.
Source is Epoch times, so probably fake unfortunately. :sadness: