
Fleewithme [none/use name]
Losing liveleak.com was a big blow. You could watch the news days or weeks before it got reported. Al-Qaeda in Syria was posting videos of them firing Javelin missiles which they only could do if the US was officially supplying them. USA supporting Al-Qaeda, yup, that happened.
But yeah, the dumpster fire that is the US left have cheered a lot of this censorship on. It will bite them in the ass.
The irony being that they were staunch advocates of free speech as recently as 2014. I can still dig up the posts where they proudly state that any censor is a fascist and a coward who can’t marshal logical arguments.
Of course, this is when the left wasn’t in a position to censor anyone. Now that it’s been normalized, Pandora’s box has been opened and it’s far too late to do anything. If it’s a comfort, consider that the right is getting hit harder than anyone. When Rogan falls soon, as he must, then the Whos down in Whoville will all cry boo-hoo. And that’s a noise that we all simply must hear.
The only reason they were ever anti-war in the first place is so that they could be on the opposite side of the argument from Republicans. Once the right decided that they had seen enough of their relatives with blown off limbs and these wars weren’t working, liberals switched gears smoothly and started accusing Republicans of being traitors in the pay of Russia. It’s wonderfully cathartic after the Cold War, when the right accused the Democrats of being insufficiently anti-communist.
he famously stayed out of Rwanda during the genocide
That was the incident that soured me permanently on US intervention abroad. 1993: “Danger in Somalia! USA get in there and help!” USA does get in there and help, the Mogadishu Massacre results: 5,000 civilians die in a single night. 1994: “Danger in Rwanda! USA get in there and help!” USA doesn’t get in there and help, gets blamed for the massacre. It’s the Kobayashi Maru, the no-win situation. The only winning move is not to play.
Tucker is more like the isolationists of the early 20th century than anything else.
Those people were right…the US never should have built an empire. It’s spending itself to death, it’s murdering millions across the globe, and Americans can’t even have things like healthcare and free college - all of which would be easily solved if not for unchecked military spending. The US is sending weapons to literal neo nazis in Ukraine as we speak.
Yaknow, for a Fox news host, Tucker Carlson has all the right enemies.