GrafZahl [he/him]
Sorta big but not technically too big to fail but pls gib money anyway :kitty-cri-screm:
1 - 4 had a strong focus on production chains and maximising the efficiency of your workforce + they’re slow. Big ressource management aspect, with like 20+ different ressources, materials, tools and weapons. 5 tried to be a RTS like age of empires so it was nothing like the previous games, and it’s dog shit. 6 and 7 are ok games IMO, a bit more back to the roots, but far from good. 8 just came out, I haven’t played it. But apparently it’s a buggy mess, and its ingame store makes it seem like a cash grab.
The aberration blows their cigarette smoke at you, do a fortitude saving throw… You fail to hold your breath. As you inhale, you cough violently. Take 5d4 points of smoking damage.
Very good, unless they forget about the temporary part. That’s what went wrong in Berlin.
Haha Look at me pissing, r U jelly