
MyAltUserNameIsCool [he/him]

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Lot of good responses already. Pikmin is solid. Also Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Sunshine. Both hold up well.


Louisville had a huge uprising and one officer got fired and no knock warrants were banned. I know that it is technically something but I really would have liked a victory that didn’t feel like a spit in the face.


I’m trying to. I’m on Indeed every lunch trying to find anything else. I think I need to have a professional do my resume because I rarely get any call backs but paying for that is crazy expensive.


Any Chapos know a place that’s hiring that’s not morally bankrupt but can still help me pay my bills? The amount of money I deal with on a daily is beyond gross.


I feel like artisanal products are different. When I want cheese, beer or a liquor or something the options are nice. But I have no clue what kind of toilet paper is at my house right now. I have a ton of different cleaners at my house and I know one is good for tile but I don’t know the brand or really care.


My switch has gotten more use the past three years than my PS4. I think I might just be old but 99% of the time I’d rather just jump around in a cartoony nintendo title than any of the more realistic looking titles I own for my playstation.


My income has been cut in half during covid. It has not recovered yet at all. Not paying nearly $400 a month in student loans has been the only thing keeping me and my family afloat at all. If those loans didn’t get deferred I really don’t know what I would have done.

I know this isn’t as good as a stimulus check for everyone but fuck I would really like to have one thing off my back. I would genuinely be grateful. And the next day I’ll go right back to bashing Biden for being generally shitty. This action would help so many people though. Hopefully it would have something for people currently accumulating student debt and future college students.


All Americans should be barred from entry into any functional country until we figure out what is going on. Unfortunately I fall under that umbrella but if we open it up even a little bit I think our stupidity might infect other places.


My whole family is poor rednecks who all came from Kansas. My wife’s family is poor rednecks who came from Indiana. None of them have any material interest in voting Trump and some of the people in my generation have broken away from it but most of them are still all for Trump on both sides of our family.

My father in law is straight up emotionally abusive to my wife. He shot her with a bb gun when she was a child just for fun on multiple occasions and is constantly demeaning and rude to her. And then after a couple days or hours or years he will out of the blue apologize. He apologized for shooting her with the bb gun about 10 years after the last incident.

When he ranted at her to go be with the damned and called her a lost cause it took him 4 hours to call and say that he loves her. He didn’t actually say sorry but just asked if she was mad at him. I think he should be cut out of her life, especially with the stress he brings and her being pregnant. However her mom, sister and brother all still live there and she doesn’t want to cut them out so she told him no. I don’t want to strain and stress her anymore than she already is so I haven’t pushed it.

I have tried to be patient and be forgiving but I think a lot of these people are lost to me. If someone wants to make an attempt to be better I am here for it. I was a shitty ass teenager until I was about 15. But actual adults who still hold these beliefs just aren’t worth the argument for me a lot of the time.


Most of mine are uncles, cousins, and aunts who I straight up don’t really give a shit about. Sounds horrid but they all still back Rittenhouse and I genuinely believe they would gleefully shoot anyone they think is left.

My father in law is one that has the exact same feelings. He texted my pregnant wife, his daughter and called her a monster, and said she can go stand with the damned and let her adrenchrome be harvested by them when she said she didn’t vote for Trump.

I find it hard to have a lot of empathy left for him.
