
RedSky [he/him]

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a lot of these are joke posts, but I’ve had a hunch for a while that it’ll be sometime in the first half of the 2030s. By then, things have gotten bad enough quickly enough, and there’s been enough time for proper buildup if the trends we’re seeing now stay at the same rate. It’s enough time for the left to get serious mainstream enough to counteract rising fascism, though I think over the next few years (5-7 give or take) it’s gonna look like the opposite is happening before we end up shifting into the direction necessary for capitalism to end. There will be some BASED moments, some really tragic “we came so close” events, some absolutely horrific “holy shit we’re doomed” points.

to give specific date predictions :curious-marx:

  • it’ll wobble between getting closer and seeming like it’s getting further away, some big events but no dramatic real change up to 2024
  • 2024-2026 things get a lot more dangerous for us, seems like capitalism/fascism has won for good, multiple compounding climate-change-caused refugee crises will be a major catalyst of right wing violence, left wing pushback is present and in some places massive, but largely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. A lot of people will resign to “this is the way things are now”. War between PRC and NATO over Taiwan if it hasn’t started already
  • 2027 is when climate resistance really kicks into full gear, get ready for some Pipeline Fireworks! “ecoterrorists” join the ranks of refugees as a major boogeyman, massive crackdowns on anything vaguely left-wing, (think somewhere between McCarthy and “first they came for the communists”) heavily repressive police states become the new norm even in places that currently aren’t as heavily policed, but especially in poor, poc dominated areas, refugee settlements, etc. Major shift in the war in favor of China, as NATO countries begin to spread themselves thin
  • 2028-2031 Revolutionary groups become major players on the world stage with varying levels of success, I’d wager Latin America, South and West Asia, and possibly (big possibly) the US are the first to see some results. I wanna say the Phillipines is the first to successfully pull off a revolution, possibly as part of a new Pacific theatre, since this whole comment is based on pure gut feeling. If the US seems some action, it would probably be like a longer-term summer 2020, but with a bit more organization and deliberate actions being taken. Attempts for liberal astroturfing of these movements fail and some areas of the US (at the scale of mid-sized cities at the largest) become totally controlled by revolutionary groups. US government refuses to acknowledge these areas exist.
  • 2033 If you are a member of the United States government, then pick a god and pray or pick a hell and lie there. Hasta la bye bye to freedom land as we know it, the eagle is dead. I will personally go over there and give every single consenting revolutionary of the former US a big, sloppy, socialist fraternal kiss (and more if requested, I have enough stamina for you all, volcel police be damned!!) This makes international news. (I’m talking about the kiss here, but the fall of the US will make headlines too) The US isn’t the only one to fall, and by now a large number of areas are explicitly socialist.
  • 2034 onwards is kinda just war of attrition at this point. Capitalism doesn’t fully go away until maybe the 2050s or later, but it’s no longer the global status quo. We can say we have won at this point.

Damn gut feeling went off. I’ll be living in a barrel in the middle of the forest eating questionable mushrooms and talking to frogs whenever the tabloids find this post and ask how to get a hold of the modern Nostradamus


ngl seeing these posts makes me want to do recurring workout posts

if only I worked out FUCK IT the posts start sunday


I don’t think war with China will be a decision made with any rationality to it honestly, mostly a desire to put them in their place and keep a global US hegemony that results in immense blowback that any rational person (read: not the people deciding to go to war) saw coming miles away.

2034 is less “global communism achieved” and more the point at which things shift more or less irreversibly in our favor. I say 2050s because frankly we’re gonna be fucked by the climate past the point of no return by then if we don’t get our shit together, and capitalism is antithetical to alleviating climate change. I’m optimistic because we’re fucked if the optimist path doesn’t play out and there’s no chance in hell I’m resigning to doomerism.


The island I’m working on has what’s basically a taco: Corn flatbread containing herbs and spices (somewhere between tortilla and naan in thickness) toasted to your desired level of crunch with a rice filling, topped with a curry-like sauce containing veggies/meat (usually root vegetables, beans, squash, chicken, pork, goat, gigacricket, or cassowary). Vegetarian and vegan diets are common for religious reasons, so all ingredients except the meat-based curries contain no animal products. The dough, rice, and curry is typically made at home and brought to stalls consisting of a flat-top, a small oven, and multiple hot-holding wells where the bread is cooked to order, placed in a taco mold, and the fillings added.



alternatively big red buttons. they’re representations of human spite in a simple unicolor shape. You can get anyone to do anything by telling them that a big red button does that thing and then telling them Do Not Press.


think about it though: after the bot is out, all you have to do is let it run. You get to enrage :reddit-logo: users while not spending another second thinking about them, AND you don’t have to read their shit takes, which I’m sure will prevent brainworms and increase OPs lifespan


as a doctor from the trustmebro academy, EliteMasterEric can have little a explosion as a treat in moderation. an occasional chuckle is good for the soul


despite literally the last comment on my account stating I’m a doctor, I am not a doctor, this is just personal experience.

I had the same sort of deal the start of last year, what is clearly depression that I had let fester for a few years made worse by my growing awareness of the state of things. I started medication in March, which has done wonders in terms of managing my depression and its symptoms. I managed to get out of wallowing in my apartment for days at a time and finally got a job again since the start of covid. My impulsive feelings to do something rash in protest of the current state of things and go out that way have largely disappeared.

I can say for sure that my meds have absolutely Not made me ok with all this bullshit going on. What it has done is made me able to actually make productive steps in organizing and joining my local org, actually Reading the theory, learning useful skills, etc. My thoughts on the world haven’t changed, they just don’t send me into a pit of despair anymore and instead urge me to try to be a force of positive change in this hellscape and given me the motivation and energy to follow through on that.

Meds aren’t for everyone, and they’re not a silver bullet cure, but in my case they’ve helped immensely, and I would recommend at the very least getting treatment.


The way I’ve found meds to be is less “happy pill” and more of an emotion regulator. I often experience shitty emotions, but now those shitty emotions have a cause and aren’t the default. At my worst I just felt hollow, like I was incapable of any emotion. I don’t feel that anymore, even having been off meds for a little while due to reasons outside of my control. (one month and I should have access to them again)

I can’t speak for others, but I wouldn’t be worried about becoming happily apathetic after taking them. I find that it’s helped me feel the proper emotions for the situations I face.


I was prescribed citalopram/celexa! It was the first one I was prescribed and luckily it ended up being the right medication for me, so it’s the only one I can attest to, but I know people who have had to try a few (including celexa) before finding one that worked right for them. I wouldn’t be off-put if you get prescribed something and it’s not a good fit for you. For side effects, I’ve only really found drowsiness and more vivid dreams/nightmares than usual, but I know a few people who have had it affect their appetites and sex drives.

You didn’t mention anxiety, but as an aside: I was also prescribed a type of benzo that I can’t remember the name of for anxiety at first, but I didn’t like how I felt on it and knowing how addictive it was kind of made the anxiety worse when I took it. Over time, I found that my anxiety symptoms were also becoming less and less common after starting celexa, so I asked my doctor to stop prescribing the benzos (they were “take as needed” and I hadn’t taken any in a while) and it continued to get better. My doctor had suspected that either my depression or anxiety was caused by the other, and it ended up being my depression causing my anxiety (or an underlying issue causing both) and by treating depression I had also been treating my anxiety. Anecdotal, but it came as a surprise to me so I figured I’d bring it up.
