Suzina [she/her]
How about we say that if even 1 person goes homeless in america against their will, that IS a problem. A desperate one.
unite o7
I am grateful to find this community as well comrades. I mostly play MMORPGS when I’m into gaming. I don’t really read theory or listen to podcasts either, I guess because that doesn’t matter to me. I want a government of compassion, and everything should follow from that. And if I ever stand in the way of that, I want chapos to put my head in a fucking gulliotine because my life is no more valuable than those people who are doing forced labor right now in ice detention centers.
Marty mcfly pointing at a tv: “Hey I seen this one, it’s a re-run!”
Have you ever met someone who identified as “antifa”? like as an identity? However many of them there are, the media ramped it up. They are mad at antifa because the people they should be mad at, have convinced them to be opposed to antifa. You are not immune to propaganda, either.
Even if a cop dies (less likely to be killed on duty than a pizza boy statistically), whatever the situation, it will be amplified for a political purpose of some kind.
Like i’m trans, and I was surprised to find out there hasn’t been one sexual assault by a trans person in a bathroom in the last 20 years, but republican members of congress have had 3 instances of being arrested for bathroom misconduct. I had assumed that there was at least one time it happened, and that they were blowing it out of proportion. But nope. They were just kicking trans people around to try and keep the working class down.
Trump actually got all he wanted. He wanted to feel loved. Because he is a deeply flawed human being who can’t even imagine his wife grieving for him if he were to die. Having never known love, and having lost his identity as a “success” in November, and “deal maker” over the weekend, he was about ready to do anything if they’d let him. But he felt loved by the big crowd, so he was appeased. And he went home to sleep the most comfortably he’s slept in months. With no thoughts of whether the mob would force Pence to sign over America at gunpoint or if the cops would just mow down his supporters in droves. Because they actually mean nothing to him.
When I was riding a city bus home from high school, an old lady was ranting about her religious beliefs. The end of the world, the devil, Armageddon, stuff like that. Then she looked at me and pointed at me and said, “And one day they’ll put micro-chips in everyone’s hands and you’ll remember an old lady on the bus told you so!”. There’s really no reason for me to keep remembering her prediction, but every so often I remember her and do a mental check on the accuracy of her prediction.