
TotalBrownout [none/use name]
Are you encountering these Americans in the US or in another country? If it’s the latter, I would say you are engaging with wealthy Americans who are high on their own bullshit and used to getting their ass kissed regardless of how they behave because they have money. If it’s the former, I’d probably say the same thing . The whole “what is your job?” thing is pretty ubiquitous in the US though. American culture dictates that one’s employment defines them as an individual and is a both a class marker and a reflection that vocational training constitutes the vast majority of education here. It’s entirely possible that someone might not have much to contribute to any conversation that isn’t at least tangentially related to their career, regardless of how “educated” they perceive themselves to be. This also explains the very distorted and superficial comments you’ve observed regarding politics, history, anthropology, etc. The humanities are very maligned and chastised as being “useless” in the US. Pretty gross and sad… I consciously avoid talking about my occupation with anyone unless there is a very specific reason to do so and relish the opportunity to engage in a decent conversation that doesn’t devolve into the slop you posted about.
This was pre-COVID… much worse now.
“But just so we’re all clear, Ukraine is not a fascist state.”
LOL, a state with the following features:
Ethno-nationalist political platform, banning of political opposition, merging of an explicitly fascist paramilitary with the government… yup, totally clear, definitively not fascist at all. Massive debunking, myth busted!
Yes, if one views the BLM protests as part of a larger war of attrition against the carceral state.
An experiment involving introducing the game “musical chairs” to children attempted to answer this question. In addition to the normal version, an alternative version where everyone would share fewer and fewer chairs was played.
The children almost ubiquitously preferred the cooperative version.