concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
there’s also the fact that marx described the stratification in different ways depending on what level he was analyzing (how specific/how general, we call it “level of abstraction” in portuguese, not sure if that’s the case in english)
for instance, in the 18th brumaire, since he was specifically analyzing france at that time, he goes into more classes, or at least subclasses
são paulo
it’s guilherme boulos, he’s from PSOL (a sort of “center-left to far left” party, he represents the left wing) and being supported by basically all the communists here except for like, webmaoists and a few ultraleftists
at this point it’s safe to say he’s likely to go to the runoff, but defeating the incumbent will be really hard
i’ll make an effort post describing him if we’re in the good timeline where he wins :deng-smile:
i’m not big on electoralism, but this could actually be really good for us
there’s a small chance that a demsoc will become the mayor of the largest city in the americas and this could be a significant blow to bolsonaro as the city and its state represent a big portion of our electorate (about 4% and 22%, respectively)
as much as i talk a lot more about politics and marxism today, and i’ve read a lot of other people since then, sagan still has the largest impact in shaping the way i think
love this fucking guy and i think it’s bizarre that some actually believe NDT deserves to be his “heir” (which is a weird concept by itself but whatever)
yea sorry but this kind of liberal is getting the wall too
shit i was bored but you’ve saved my next 30 minutes bruv
time to spend all the karma that i gloriously amassed from r/cth
edit: jesus, -54 in 7 minutes wtf
well, i’m not even american, but when trump wins florida you can thank me for convincing “my friends down here in florida” to vote for the greens :deng-cowboy:
our political views are an expression of our moral values, most of the time
so yea, they do affect my relationships, i have no room in my life for people who have no empathy