We should also be looking at what food we grow. I’ve always found it crazy that we import bananas from countries where rainforests are cut down for banana and palm oil plantations. There they blend unwanted bananas and foliage into livestock feeds, while we import Palm Kernel Extract as a cattle feed supplement.
By growing our own bananas, we not only get a staple food crop for less CO2 emissions, but we also provide farmers with an alternative source of cattle feed, reducing the demand for imports of products like Palm Kernel Extract that contribute to deforestation in other countries.
Starlink, because the RBI 4G towers near me are full and congested for those who have access., and there aren’t any local WISPS with coverage here. I’m in Kerikeri. I’ll give them a 10.1 because I simply could not do my day job without it.
I live rurally and have tried to have this discussion with farmers and it generates frothy denialism. It’s like they’re standing on an exponential curve looking backwards and equating these pressures to the slower pace of change from the past, and thinking it will all be fine. I’m surprised there isn’t much national discourse about this.
I’m a web developer and AI is already integral to my workflow, that’s another seismic change happening right now that seems harder to pin down the effects compared to lab-grown dairy.
I’m waiting for a party to say they are going to be tough on drugs, then we’ve heard all the cyclical bullshit.
I linked this before, but in case you didn’t see it: https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/127521588/the-secret-to-the-perfect-dairy-free-cheese-could-lie-in-lab-grown-milk-protein
"The business is focusing on creating casein, a protein which will allow vegan food products to have the same sensory impact as real dairy products.
“There is a lot of potential for this process. You can ‘veganise’ any product that is traditionally dairy without changing anything for the consumer,” Miller says."