the term antivaxer is widely misused. i got the moderna vax, my kids got all their shots as babies, but i am strongly against compulsory covid vaccination. i am also not going to get a booster every 3-6 months. this is not how the vax was sold to the public at the beginning. it has proven to be far less effective than we were told and will require endless boosters.
Joined 29 minutes ago with 2 comments, both of which contain falsehoods about the vaccine lmao
I wouldn’t agree with the previous comment that we weren’t told about booster shots early on. It was always brought up as a possibility, just as there are booster shots for every vaccine in existence today.
We were told it was ultra-effective at preventing covid. That was true for the dominant variants of the time, and it’s still true if you get a booster. They couldn’t predict the future.
Fwiw I’m not accusing you of being an anti-vaxer. I am accusing the previous commenter of being one.
natural immunity is by all accounts much more robust and life long.
People who have had covid have gotten it again. There’s nothing pointing to natural immunity being better, I’ve only seen things showing the opposite. I have no idea where you’re coming up with this stuff but don’t make things up.
if you are high risk you can take the vaccine. if you just want to be careful you can take the vaccine. if you are in good health, with no pre existing conditions it should not be compulsory because the jab will not stop transmission.
The reason western countries are making vaccines mandatory is because hospital systems will get overwhelmed without doing anything else and they don’t want to do anything else like contact trace or payout and force people to stay home. Is your suggestion to only force the >40% of America who is obese to get the vaccine?
Something “authoritarian” has to be done at some point, whether that’s actually sending people to your house to make you stay home if you were in contact with a positive case, or a coerced vaccine.
Most people who are unvaccinated think they’re way healthier than they are, and when they go into hospital and prevent all the other surgeries by using up resources while on a vent.
this is not how the vax was sold to the public at the beginning.
In America you are right, public health constantly failed in its messaging and wanted to coerce people into getting it by promising things will go back to normal if enough get it. This did not happen.
In the parts of the world not in denial they were told masks would still be happening even with vaccines. They weren’t sold anything because not everywhere is like America where contrarians whwould say “what’s the point of getting it if no measures change”. They also weren’t told about 2 doses being enough in perpetuity because they were told “idk, just get it, it’s clearly good”.
The lower chance of infection is a very huge deal, and the lower risk of spread is very big. It’s not perfect but it’s enough to not clog up hospitals in places with a high enough vaccinated rate. The lower spread with vaccines is also going to slow down the spread and thus how quick things can mutate.
You’re talking about the vaccine like we aren’t in a public health crisis affecting everyone.
What sources? What are you claiming to be false and what sources do you have to back up your claims?