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Yeah, because in 2014, half their country was occupied by a foreign invader lol.
Oh no my neighbor is seeking alliances after I annexed their shit, how conniving of them!
this was 5 years later. Ukraine wouldnt need an alliance if they didnt consistently violate the Minsk agreements by bombing civilians in the DPR and LPR, giving Russia a reasonable casus belli
bombing civilians in the DPR and LPR
giving Russia a reasonable casus belli
Putin didn’t even recognize DPR and LPR until the day before he invaded Ukraine. This is some concentrated revisionist history.
here is the info abt civilian bombing and here are some other war crimes.
recognizing the DPR and LPR would seriously escalate tensions between Russia and Ukraine/NATO. Russia did, however, maintain informal relations with them, including providing aid. DPR and LPR invited Russia to liberate them from Ukraine. you have no idea what revisionist means if you think thats what im doing here. Russia absolutely had a justified casus belli