The Proud 60 Year Old Divorced Guys
They always look EXACTLY like I expect. One overweight young dude, one young dude who looks 50. A few boomers who clearly lost custody rights to their kids. And the one with the ugly grey beard
Where the fuck did they get a riot shield from?
America is fucking wild
Just google shopping’d a riot shield, you can purchase one, dunno if they sell to civilians though or you need to be LEO. Gun stores might carry them too.
They sell them to civilians, but don’t include handles, that’s why he’s holding it like that
Is this a technical???
I want a Hilux so bad. They are the epitome of “not fucking around”. Not even in a mounted .50 cal way. Fording rivers, driving down near vertical drops, outrunning tidal floods in mucky sand… the list goes on. And with a little patience and guidance, you’ll be able to keep it running for 500,000 miles, because they designed them to be intuitive and not a jumbled of wires and that one near hidden proprietary nut that can only be adjusted in a certified shop. Of course you can’t find them in the States, they spit in the face of planned obsolescence, useless features, and the mere notion of “Truck Nuts”. They never miss.