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Am I trans?
One possible way to figure this out is to reframe the question. Do you want to be trans? If there were some magic way to know 100% whether you’re a man or not, what would you want the outcome to be? Imagine that this hypothetical magic gender machine says you’re a man. Are you disappointed? Are you relieved?
If you want to be trans, then you’re probably trans
/u/comradecmdrpiggy was making a joke about MTF standing for Mobile Task Force, a reference to the SCP Foundation wiki.
hey yeah I finds this pretty relatable. as a man it is so difficult to get real support from people. male and female, for different reasons. no one really cares and I have literally no idea how to make someone care about me. do I demand they care? beg? I can’t even picture it, like you said, its like they are interacting with a stranger in my own dreams. like i have friends I guess but when I was very sad last year all they did was exclude me from more things because of it, but they still pretend to care if i see them like its nbd? doesn’t seem very friendly to me. so now I’m basically filled with cynicism and disgust about the idea of interpersonal relationships in general, either romantic/platonic/sexual and all the things that exist just to facilitate those relationships. its fucked, definitely some real heafty alienation going on in our brain folds. don’t think i’m trans tho, I don’t really have an issue with having a penis or anything, though I do feel like my gender basically doesn’t matter?? hell if I know what to do about it, I just try to ignore everyone now and stay out of their way so I can vibe in peace, probably gonna just stay like this until I inevitably get shot in the head.
definitely relate. and yeah I think this is usually a male experience. like i get it, women need to look out for eachother and men usually like caring about women, but I wish I could get some of that treatment for me! I want hugs too :meow-hug: All I fucking got was my so-called friend telling me I need to be “more stoic like a Navy Seal” (told him I don’t emulate crazy baby killing psychopaths)
you are right that I don’t ever really see males struggle with this openly, but in my opinion I think a lot of males just don’t realize they are allowed to be vulnerable (well they sort of aren’t allowed as we are discussing) and pursue toxic/self-destructive behavior to cope with that. there’s also a spectrum of how emotional people are though a lot of males try to actively repress that. I suppose the standard solution is just to find a girlfriend and make her your therapist but that can be pretty toxic for her and as you said trying to date is an “exercise in suicidality” (really like that btw :michael-laugh:)
I relate to basically everything you wrote. I think that both trans and cis people can feel this way. I wonder if “political transsexualism” might become a thing (or already is). Like “political lesbianism”, how some straight women started dating women anyway just because men fucking suck. Shaving your entire body so that people will respect you seems like a bit of a chore though.