I would declare independence from NATO/Five Eyes, ally with China, remove US military bases from my country and then immediately change the date of Australia Day to 9/11 as a joke
I would then start de-desertification and other environmental projects, and start improving infrastructure too.
I would eat all of the grain with a comically large spoon.
Start putting cis white men into forced feminization camps.
Mass amnesty for immigrants and drug offenders.
Disarm the entire (US) military except for the tiny bit actually needed for defense. Send all the leftover army folks home to dig ditches for infrastructure projects.
Mothball the entire US intelligence apparatus. They’re all fired except for the cryptographers (now working for the public domain), and the CIA (they’re now in charge of infiltrating Antarctica, and not one of the inhabited bits).
Transition the entire economy to market socialism as fast as possible, except for food infrastructure, which goes 20% at a time because changing who controls food production never goes well. Worry about central planning vs anarchic planning vs whatever else later, since market socialism is what we actually have infrastructure for today.
Kick off massive green infrastructure projects, mostly trains and nuclear power plants.
Two week lockdown.
Ideally: End the wars, get rid of the CIA and FBI, Punish companies that pollute the environment much more, end reactionary policies, nationalize key industries, and form a plan for a transition to socialism, you probably can infer the rest
Realistically: Get shot in the head by a contact shot from some 4channer who gets secretly bailed out by the Pentagon as soon as I finish the oath of office, leading to the eventual collapse and Balkanization of the US over the next few months afterwards