I would declare independence from NATO/Five Eyes, ally with China, remove US military bases from my country and then immediately change the date of Australia Day to 9/11 as a joke
I would then start de-desertification and other environmental projects, and start improving infrastructure too.
I can imagine asking a lib this and their being like “I would immediately resign because that would be like if Voldemort controlled Hogwarts”
The same as if Bernie had won , instantly get shot by the FBI.
Have a fuck in my office.
what would you do first?
two chicks at the same time
Assemble a Red Guard, use them to purge the CIA ASAP before I get Kennedy’d. I also invite several Breadtubers at random into the guard just to see what kind of drama kicks off.
idea: also I give every breadtuber a $3mil house as a test.
Just give them 3 million cash each, anyone that doesn’t start a co-op or a land trust gets purged.