:quark: it’s an insult to thousands of years of Ferengi tradition!
I wish CBS lost the copyright to star trek. "“sure this race was not interacted with for another hundred or 400 years, but let’s just bring them in now because it’s recognizable. Also let’s keep trying to make up new things that violate later installments, but keep it set in the past so we can have cameos.”
Season 4 takes place like a thousand years in the future after the cast got stranded there when the showrunners ran out of ideas
They started out as a pointless prequel and managed to make it worse
Apparently early in production, the director they had wanted to do an anthology series. Each season would take place on a different ship in a different era of the Federation. CBS execs found out and dropped him.
How can you have the lobes for business if you don’t even have lobes?
Proof that discovery is reactionary garbage evidence bag #2356
Seriously ruining the ferengi design to turn them into Jewish goblins in the year 2021 wtf
very hard to make this point without sounding awful but
I think this looks quite a bit less like a caricature of a jewish person than the old design, especially quark
and it’s not like ferengi weren’t coded as jewish from day one
I mean both designs are Jewish caricatures but the old ferengi design was less goblin. Like this design looks like a fantasy goblin
idk I feel like this is much worse myself, can hardly believe they got away with it, really
the new one isn’t a good design on pure aesthetics either, I’m not into it
Actually, in an interview with Armin Shimmerman, he mentions that he and the writers of DS9 were aware of this issue and tried really hard to make them less Jewish coded. Most of the main Ferengi actors were Jewish and all but one writer was as well at the start of DS9.
I’ve read a lot of mixed messages from the cast and creators on that - the ferengi weren’t coded that way and people are reading into it… they were but the creators were trying to change it somehow… they were and it’s actually making a wider point about race dynamics etc
I’m not sure which one is more likely really, feels like maybe they were all just uneasy about the whole thing and looking for ways to explain it away
from the little I would know about it jewish humour has always been massively self critical and used negative stereotypes for laughs, so coming from a creative team with a lot of Jews in it, I think it’s safe to say the impetus comes from that lineage of things rather than like george lucas’ straight space racism
but it still feels dodgy as fuck to see it in my star trek these days
This looks way less “grinning goblin” than before imo, he’s kinda just some old dude. My impression is they specifically wanted to reduce the exaggerated features, it just made the ferengi look antisemitic when the important part was just being a capitalist contrast to the falgsc federation.
Why? What was wrong with the old design?
Like with a redesign of anything, keeping the old design means that the big executive in charge of everything doesn’t get to have all those long fully compensated lunch meetings about it for months on end.
Whyyyyyyyy was this necessary?