You aint left buddy, youre a clinton liberal who thinks hes a leftist
I would be furious if my athlete daughter has to compete against a trans athlete. They have better muscle mass and larger exo skeleton.
This is my favorite comment. Apparently trans women have exoskeletons.
carcinisaton is inevitable, we’re just the first humans to advance to this next evolutionary step
did you know that lobsters and some species of crab can grow infinitely? that is why i will choose the perfect crab and personally break its shell in the right segments to aid it in its growth. i will make this crab large enough to consume america
i love all the handwringing about womens sports. like no one gives a fuck about womens sports except when trans women are mentioned, then suddenly everyone is an aficionado
I once had a conversation with someone who said something like “ I’m glad Trump is banning trans athletes.” That person doesn’t even watch sports. Not just women’s sports, but doesn’t follow sports, period.
Its funny because he KNOWS that every single athlete competing at the highest level uses some sort of PED, including himself
Jesus Christ it’s every single comment, it almost needs a transphobia tag.
Redditors get the :gui-trans: for this. Because guess what, you’re not an ally or a leftist if you’ve got the same hot take about trans women and women’s sports as dumb ape Joe Rogan. God I hate those vacuous, homunculi incels. I’m a cis het white guy, it’s not that hard to shut the fuck up. :Care-Comrade: to our :trans-specter: comrades, it’s brutal out there.