You aint left buddy, youre a clinton liberal who thinks hes a leftist
Smoking Dope!
they’re just so confidently wrong
The level of ignorance and bigotry in that article is stunning. Like the dipshits talking about muscle mass and shit. LIKE DO YOU KNOW WHAT ESTROGEN DOES YOU MORONS! Just the confidence of these fucking morons who so casually boast as if they understand what the fuck they are taking about when they are 100000% wrong. It would be like talking to someone who claims to be an expert on the moon and says it is made of cheese. I am a fucking Biologist and a trans woman and I can tell you they are so fucking wrong it makes my head spin. And then to lock the damn thing but not delete it wholesale is just more offensive! It liaves their ignorance crystalized in place giving the impression that it is fact. This shit is so infuriating, these mouth breathing morons want to commit genocide and they dont even understand fucking why.
Setting aside the TERFs, I always see tons of men who feel the need to come riding in like white knights and opine about women’s sports, how they should work, and who should be allowed to participate. Like, this doesn’t effect you at all. You are just a piglet consuming your Tennis slop from your filthy couch. If they had women competing against robots or cheetas you’d be ordering that shit on pay per view, but you’re ready to lose your shit over this nickle and dime crotch phrenology bullshit. Why can’t you just be satisfied watching people strive to reach the peak of human ability? Why can’t you just watch someone set a world record and be like “damn, that was awesome!”
What would be in the interest of good sportsmanship? Sniping at all the competition to find dubious technicalities to disqualify them so you can crown yourself the best? Or getting behind everyone who’s willing to give it a shot and helping them reach excellence?
The more I think of it, the more I realize how many overlapping social forces and pathologies revolve around sports in general.
Literally everybody at the top levels of practically any sport is a freak athlete anyway, so talking about “averages” is a little pointless to me. brings to mind the Connor Ruebusch saying: “Athleticism is a type of cheating.”
Besides that, trans athletes have been allowed to compete in the Olympics for how long now? And yet, where are these trans women with gold and silver medals that there should be if they really had some completely unfair advantages?
This reminds me of that story of a highschool girl’s track runner who was pissed because a trans girl outperformed her, and she was crying about unfair advantages and shit, but it turned out that she was like 6th and had been bumped to 7th, and the top five were all cis anyway. So she just wasn’t that great and wanted an excuse, and pinned it on some trans kid that ran faster (and everybody played along and pretended to give a shit about girl’s highschool track just to be transphobes).
Pretty much, it seems like the cis have found the one or two trans women who are actually good athletes and are whipping that horse till the meat falls of the bone. Meanwhile all the genuinely well done studies I have seen show trans women on average have a slight disadvantage over cis women because they have 1) lower testosterone levels and 2) a higher bone mass to soft tissue ratio. Basically this is just bigots looking to justify being bigots without just coming out and saying “I want to exterminate these people.”