You aint left buddy, youre a clinton liberal who thinks hes a leftist
Serious question, what are your takes on the “tans people in sport” question? Like what would be the best solution, because to me it seems fucked up but I’m not sure what a proper system should look like.
Let Trans people compete in sport, have the same hormonal regulations everyone else has. A quick look shows that while elite athlete Trans Women (no one cares about trans men, of course) have some innate advantages in some sports, the spread is greatly outweighed by the many, many other genetic and environmental factors.
Muscle Mass, Testosterone, Blood Vessel density, all have greater variation in the Elite Cis Athlete Population and Trans Women are just a group with a small advantage that’s much less significant than…say…coming from East Africa for a Sprinter.
I mean I get that and maybe I’m just paranoid I just worry that the law of the large numbers applies and even a small advantage might make trans women overrepresented in the top of the athletes. I’m not even sure it’s even an issue because as you said being born in “East Africa for a Sprinter” is already a huge advantage that nobody seems to care about, same with Michel Phelps and his huge fucking arms and body not creating lactic acid.
Even if they are…so what. “Oh no, 6% of Elite Athletes are Trans!” The number of open Trans people who go through full transition and the extra hormone treatment sometimes needed to compete and are olympic scale athletes is so, so vanishingly small that even if they were 3 times more likely to win than the average cis person they’d be statistical noise. In fact I’d say there’s as much as an order of magnitude more closeted trans athletes who don’t want to fuck up a good ride.
And the consequences for ordinary people who play sports at amateur or high amateur level, to say nothing of trans children is awful.
I know that such a stat would be misrepresented by the media…but…they already do this shit anyway. They’ll find some other excuse to paint all trans women as mentally ill sex pests invading the spaces of innocent helpless cis women. blerch.
Like what would be the best solution
abolish competitive sports altogether
i mean, that’s what i’m gonna tell people the next time some bazinga brain shithead concern trolls by fearmongering about my existence jeopardizing sports, “oh good, that’s a win-win then”
Let them compete.
There’s pretty much no reason to deny them.
All that gating access to sport based on testosterone levels does is hurt cis women with abnormally high testosterone. Look at the shit they pulled with Caster Semenya.
Aside from all that, if a trans person is on HRT, they’re going to have androgen levels congruent with their gender and thus no clear advantage or disadvantage based on their AGAB.
The arguments against trans people performing in sports are bioessentialist bullshit that relies on ignoring all the biochemical processes that affect the development of muscles, just so they can pretend having a Y chromosome makes you a muscular manly man man.
Edit: shitty autocorrect meant it took four attempts to type cis :(
I was initially kind of on the fence and there isn’t really a study/data set because the sample size is too small but here’s what I’ve noticed as a consistent pattern: Every once in a while there will be a huge amount of publicity surrounding a trans woman athlete making waves in some sport here or there and everyone will cry foul…then at some point there will be a pretty severe loss or defeat that everyone sort of quietly under reports and that everyone pretends never happened. I can’t remember her name but there was some MMA transwoman who was causing a lot of controversy who got absolutely wrecked by a cis competitor like 2-3 years ago.
On the surface I actually get the knee jerk concern but the simple fact of the matter is that the transwomen athletes who are competing in various sports simply aren’t dominating it to the degree transphobes seem to think they automatically must be…so yeah…let them compete.
Studies have not found any evidence that trans athletes, specifically trans female athletes (y’know, since no one cares about disadvantages that trans male athletes might face for some reason :soviet-hmm:), outperform cis female athletes. This is all just a moral panic around femininity. Some women have higher natural levels of testosterone. Others don’t.
It just makes the news when a trans woman breaks an athletic record because our society is deeply transphobic.
Some women have higher natural levels of testosterone
I mean you are right, nobody really cares about athletes being born with higher testosterone levels or CO2 max I really shouldn’t even care since I don’t really watch conventional sports.
That’s how I feel about it. I don’t watch sports. When I do, they tend to be men’s sports for various reasons tied to the way our society values men’s sports more. I don’t think I’ve seen women’s sports in person since high school.
plus as a trans woman you have to be on a variety of t blockers for 2 years to get your T low enough anyways. so you are already at a disadvantage to people who dont have to take miscellaneous medications. side effects to those meds can be pretty detrimental to athletic performance, too. things like dizziness and lowered blood pressure
There might be biological differences, but you know who else has biological differences? Women and… other women. Like, some cis-women just have naturally higher levels of testosterone, or are taller, or have naturally greater lung capacity, and so on. The idea of “fairness” in sport is bullshit on a base genetic level (it’s also bullshit for economical reasons related to who can actually afford the training and equipment, but that’s a different topic), and we’d probably be better off if we just give up on it.
My feeling is that you shouldn’t legislate something unless it becomes a problem - so unless someone can produce the evidence that trans athletes are outperforming cis ones the best thing to do is to leave it alone and let the people compete. In the meantime we can clearly see that the rules being put in place to try and prevent trans athletes from becoming a problem have hurt all female competitors, so perhaps of we need to ban something it’s those exclusionary rulesets.
Because sex segregation in sports is not actually based in science or an organic social base, but instead based in the weird and freakish sexual fetishes that the Victorian british bourgeoisie that they infected the rest of the world with when they committed their global program of mass murder, famine, and drug trafficking known as the british empire.
Its funny because he KNOWS that every single athlete competing at the highest level uses some sort of PED, including himself
Jesus Christ it’s every single comment, it almost needs a transphobia tag.
Redditors get the :gui-trans: for this. Because guess what, you’re not an ally or a leftist if you’ve got the same hot take about trans women and women’s sports as dumb ape Joe Rogan. God I hate those vacuous, homunculi incels. I’m a cis het white guy, it’s not that hard to shut the fuck up. :Care-Comrade: to our :trans-specter: comrades, it’s brutal out there.
The Thorpedo stays winning I guess.