Every once in a while I get that ominous feeling that killing and specially making animals suffer just for me to eat meat, fish and lactose is extremely wrong, but then I kinda forget.
I kinda see myself hunting wild game though so it’s weird.
Every once in a while I get that ominous feeling that killing and specially making animals suffer just for me to eat meat, fish and lactose is extremely wrong
That’s the unquiet ghosts of the animals you’ve murdered tormenting you for your crimes
Vegan btw
That’s the first step.
The next is replacing dairy which is really easy now for any purpose. Except cheese, that’s not perfect yet.
Odd, my experience has been the opposite, plant milk is three times the price of cow or twice the price of sheep/goat, but the “cheese” is pretty reasonable
I guess it varies pretty wildly by location
I want to, but I function off of fish so consistently, through sashimi or salmon fillets. Need to read more info about fish ghosts compared to baby lamb. One I’ve cast off, but damn fish is so ingrained with local culture and lifelong dietary habits.
Fish was the last thing I cut out, and it basically just came down to the issue of over fishing oceans. Fish is kind of a pain to replace in your diet, because DHA and EPA fatty acids is pretty rare to find in the vegan world, and while your body does produce them itself, it requires you to be pretty careful with your diet, and too much omega 6 in your diet will leave you with insufficient DHA/EPA levels. I take a DHA/EPA supplement so I don’t need to worry about it as much.
I would say yes but if I’m not already doing it, I’m probably not going to start.
Starting takes small steps. Just start with not eating beef and work your way down.
Watching some docs about the process makes it easier. Earthlings and Dominion are often recommended.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’ve been cutting beef already, I mostly eat what I cook and haven’t bought any at the grocery store in several years, even if I have a very occasional burger when I eat out.
I don’t hunt
Boy I saw you hunting for the non-squishy grapes in the bowl BOY DON’T YOU LIE TO ME
Those same deer leave forests for parks during hunting season. They’re aware of the looming threat to their lives.
Do you have a source on this? Not doubting you but it sounds interesting and I’d like to read more