I’m serious, the few girlfriends i’ve had have literally had to ask me to hang out, not vice versa.
I catch women staring at me quite a bit, (that kind of stare, not just generally looking) but i’m too scared to approach at that point and say hi. I’m fairly tall and good looking, just socially akward as a motherfucker.
it sucks ass.
Ask her if she’d take the Volcel pledge with you. If she says no, she’s a reactionary.
Ask her
Spending a lot of time together or making excuses to chat or hang out or staying up late to talk with you
Honestly, you guys are inspiring me to stop waiting for something to happen and just ask a girl the next time I catch her checking me out. I literally remind myself of Hughie from the boys lol. Need to start being more like Frenchie
I’m serious, the few girlfriends i’ve had have literally had to ask me to hang out, not vice versa.
There’s nothing wrong at this, definitely don’t worry about this. If anything, it’s good.
You can tell that someone likes you in general because they’ll smile at you and try to be in your presence even if they don’t need to be. Knowing when someone likes you romantically can be difficult from cues alone because some people just like to flirt while others will be subtle. The only way to really definitely know is to ask them out.
I usually just ask guys out or ask if they wanna cuddle and watch a movie. Guys tend to be huge oblivious idiots when it comes to stuff like this so I make it as obvious as possible. I feel like most women know that guys are oblivious and work around that. My current bf was so oblivious that he only realized I was interested when I asked him for sex straight up.
in the first place, assume that they don’t like you, and that they will not consider liking you until you ask and express interest in them first.
I don’t even have to assume. I’m so clueless I usually have no idea unless I catch them staring at me hard, not just brief glances, that typical stare when you can tell that particular person thinks you’re cute or attractive. Other than that i’ve been very surprised to find certain women have found me attractive.
I would offer the exact opposite approach to this. Assume that everyone is into you. This doesn’t mean continuing to pursue someone who has showed disinterest, but just go into situations assuming that people like you. This approach made a huge difference in my ability to meet people and make friends (or get dates). As long as you’re staying socially aware of cues that people might not like you, there’s no harm in just assuming the positive.
I’m super socially awkward, but having a positive attitude does wonders in meeting people. This switch in framing quite literally changed my life.