:brainworms: :brainworms: :brainworms: :brainworms: :brainworms: :brainworms:
Whomst among us hasn’t frantically googled what flavour of genitals a person has before knowing if we can enjoy a movie or not
“I’m a fucking weirdo who determines if people are trans through some phrenology I made up. This is your fault somehow.”
I don’t understand why it matters so much to these fucks. I quite literally cannot put myself in the mindspace to even begin to care if someone is or isn’t trans like they do.
It’s like reverse gay panic. “What if they’re attracted to ME?!” … “What if I’M attracted to THEM?!” Muh strong STR8 white male world is being turned upside down!
Help me daddy Peterson!
:up-yours-woke-moralists: Your filty room has given way to filthy thots!