must be punished
and when they aren’t, Blake will shrug his shoulders and be busy tweeting about something else
I will agree that those people do not believe in the core principles of Judaism
Lol because appealing to religious fundamentalism’s better nature has worked so well in :amerikkka:
Also “These people do not represent our religion” is “I disavow” for libs of faith.
Also “These people do not represent our religion” is “I disavow” for libs of faith.
Uhh radical Zionists (or any Zionists) shouldn’t represent Judaism though
In the 5 minutes that I got my Twitter reinstated before banned again, I see a now literal Kristallnacht going on and :cracker: with Ukraine+Israel flags praising it.
But “death threats and being mean” because I said that all members of the IDF should be extradited to South Africa to be hanged from the underdeck of the Nelson Mandela Bridge, verbatim
Death to America