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Karl’s dog was called Barx
this sites pretty cool. i joined the old sub at like 700 subscribers, cant believe im still here lol and even still listen to the pod sometimes .
i think i’ve listened to maybe two episodes of the podcast, the only one i remember being the pisspiggrandad one lol
yeah, it’s a pretty cool pivot from literally fighting ISIS. podcasts are just a medium that don’t click with me unfortunately.
I took a huge dump on the table at a NYE party, and people started shouting at me and calling me “disgusting”! So now I need your PERMISSION to perform basic bodily functions?!!! Oh, I guess suddenly individual liberty is just thrown out of the window, anyone who sweats in public must be THROWN IN JAIL with big iron chains and a stripey outfit?! This is compelled constipation! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, HOW doesn’t anyone else feel how scary the word COMPELLED is?! COMPELLED, you guys! How can you be so unfazed by my eternal imprisonment in a shame dungeon, you must be trying to bloody gaslight me right now, is there like some Marxist plan to make tyranny appealing to naive college freshmen by just dismissing any opponent as “disgusting”? There IS totally a dark Marxist plan, isn’t there?! All that matters to these sadistic masterminds is that I live in constant fear, they’re just WAITING for any time I take a shit at home and they’ll burst in and chant “disgusting, disgusting”! But of course people will FABRICATE outrage out of nowhere as a justification and pretend it’s about “being uncomfortable” and some esoteric Derrida-esque concept of a “lingering stench” despite the fact that I was there and SAW WITH MY OWN EYES that it had a perfectly good texture, and the smell didn’t bother me at all. To heck with these crocodile tears! I will fight to the bitter end so that freedom, liberty, personal responsibility and my poopy pants PREVAIL over the fake fee-fees of triggered virtue-signalling NPC identity politics offended outrage safe space SJW precious snowflakes!
Hello everyone 💀