If you thought you were a true ally, maybe it’s time for some introspection.
I’m sorry but this is completely fucking ridiculous. No, you literally cannot help what you are and aren’t attracted to. I’m not attracted to vaginas, never have been, and i can’t force myself into liking them. If someone’s no longer attracted to me because of my bottom parts then yea that sucks, but it doesn’t make them transphobic becausethey can’t fucking choose to
Idk, society used to tell me it was my choice to be attracted to the same sex (and if it was a choice, it would be a very good one tbh) and sometimes this genitalia preference discourse sounds the same to me. Not saying you are right or wrong, just trying to explain why it might come across as focused - considering I myself like women, and would date a trans woman because shes a woman, but that doesn’t mean I need to want to do stuff with penises
Do people realistically have that much agency over their libido? Like at some point, if you don’t get that visceral response from someone, you can’t really force it.
Yes I agree with that but is it wrong to say that you are less likely to be attracted to a trans girl than a cis girl due to various preferences?
What if they just don’t have any interest in a penis sexually? I mean… why isn’t that fine? I mean sure you could say it’s transphobic to categorically deny wanting to have sex with a transwoman, but isn’t it then also misogynist to categorically refuse sex with women? Are gay men misogynists cateogircally? I don’t think that holds true. I don’t think we can condemn someone as bigoted based on their libido. Like unless it’s a person who normally doesn’t have genital preferences (Like a bisexual like myself) who then specifically rejects trans people, I can’t agree with your analysis.
This isn’t really a personal thing for me though, as I am neither trans, nor do I have a problem with having sex with trans women or trans men, and I might be missing something.
For sure. There is societal conditioning of males against liking duck. As someone who doesn’t like divk, I see this all the time - entertainment, cultural phrases, even fucking urinal etiquette memes ffs.
the thing that throws me for a loop is this view divorces genitals completely from the context of the person that has them and by doing so kind of implies that a penis is inherently male and a vagina is inherently feminine. Which kind of implies a view that even if a transwoman is a woman and we go with that view, if she has a penis that’s something I can’t be attracted to as a cishet man. which to me is kind of as absurd as saying a transwoman cant be a woman cuz she still has xy chromosomes.
If a woman has a penis it’s a female penis and I just can’t see a reason to be weird about genitals other than some kind of internalized heteronormativity. There’s no reason to draw a line at it unless you have some deep-seated issue with sexual organs that you also happen to have.
I also don’t want to disparage anyone for their preferences just the way I see.
Isn’t that kind of bordering on kink shaming though? I don’t think genital preference is weird. Some people just get off on vanilla sex and that’s ok.
Cis het myself and also 4 glasses of wine into my night, I don’t have a problem or anything btw. Don’t really care about gentials, if I like you I like you and that it. Penises and vaginas are cool but at the end of the day I just like dominant ladies. If I had to bet, mind you this is me speculating off myself, I think a lot of guys like penises but have been conditioned to like idk lie or something. Don’t wanna discredit anyone’s experience of anything just giving my own take while I’m sober enough to comment.
Yeah, wait this rolling eyes emoji or thinking? If first sorry if second then I think I know what you talking about. In porn guys are at most disembodied torsos with penises and hands. Probably drunker than I think but hope this makes sense.
All the fucking downbears jesus fuck. This tweet isn’t about genital preference and it isn’t even exclusively about physical attraction. This is about people who don’t want to date trans women period. Trans women do not necessarily have penises, and you do not necessarily have to have sex with someone to date them. I feel like the tweet is way broader than people are making it out to be. I would assume that it is calling out people who do not want to date trans women unconditionally, or on principle, regardless of physical appearance or genitals. Those people are full stop bad and if you argue against that, then yes, you are a transphobe. I’m way too stupid to have an intelligent conversation about genital preference but this tweet seems way more black and white than people are acting like it is in the comments. Seems like people are taking the content of the tweet and imagining implications that don’t really exist, and then accusing the tweet of being reductive because it does not address the implications that they created in their head.