but she threw it away and got absolutely nothing in return from Biden lmao
She got to dance with Kate McKinnon tho
It be ya own people :(
Truthfully, I think that she was there to win. However, by the time the contests started, she realized her best chance at victory was being a “compromise” nominee.
I agree that she wanted to win, but her political instincts were total shit. She thought her chance at victory was being a compromise between Bernie and the establishment, or maybe her advisors told her it was, but it had the opposite effect of alienating everyone not in her tiny camp.
She could have had everything and she threw it all away just to help people who have never respected her.
She must have gotten something out of antagonising everyone who ever liked her. There must be a shitload of money in an overseas account somewhere or some compromising photos that were never made public.
3rd place in her own state! #feminism
Still a better performance than the person who actually got veep. :michael-laugh:
Khive on Twitter celebrating the past few days like “We did it y’all!!!” No actually you failed miserably and embarrassingly. Joe Biden did it for you singlehandedly.