Retrosound [none/use name]
Today in China, the word comrade means gay. Don’t know how the change happened but it had to start as irony.
I remember reading an article long ago about car salesmen and was shocked at the story of a family that came in with their old clunker and left with a new car a few hours later. The idea that people would just make a major purchase like that was deeply unsettling. You didn’t even read Consumer Reports on that model!!@#$% Madness!@!!*!!(((!!!
Well, monsters checked morale as a group, not every single one. First when they took their first casualty and again when they lost more than half their number. If they passed both, they would fight to the death. Monster morale was usually 6-8 and passed on a roll of 2d6. Undead had morale 12.
But nobody ever bothered to check morale, unless the DM remembered it to save the party when a TPK was about to happen. Too much fun slaughtering monsters when the fight was already won.
I remember my brother had the first Android phone to ever come out. He was showing it off, and I was hmming and humphing. He showed how the camera flash worked and I allowed that that was a good idea instead of a strobe like a usual camera. He then showed me the flashlight app, which just turned on the flash and kept it on, turning it into a flashlight. “It’s actually one of the more useful functions” he said.