Retrosound [none/use name]
I can’t wait for when they raise the sub in a few months and we get treated to the videos the billionaires recorded as they lay on the bottom running out of air. Journalists will report they were so stunning and brave in their last moments!
Oh look, it’s the discredited “Polish cavalry vs. German panzers” meme.
This was literally a Nazi propaganda op. Journalists fell for it back then, and they’re still falling for it today. Despicable.
I remember reading an article long ago about car salesmen and was shocked at the story of a family that came in with their old clunker and left with a new car a few hours later. The idea that people would just make a major purchase like that was deeply unsettling. You didn’t even read Consumer Reports on that model!!@#$% Madness!@!!*!!(((!!!
Gosh, if only someone was around to say that flooding neo-Nazis with weapons would turn out poorly. Oh wait, tons of people did.
Heck, you could even say they knew this was going to happen and intended it, so as to use anarcho-tyranny to force the people of Europe to demand a police state.
It is illegal and a traitorous act for any American to serve in a foreign military.
That’s called a vow of poverty. Nobody but the Catholics ever did it.
And despite the name, it’s not “poverty” as in poor. It’s the older meaning of poverty, having enough to live and giving away the rest. Because spiritual people don’t (or shouldn’t) care about material things. They chain you to the earth, etc.
Asking socialists to take vows of poverty is dumb.
Because eating crackers in bed leaves crumbs everywhere, and crumbs are scratchy and uncomfortable when you roll over on them, and they also attract roaches. It’s one of those “civilization fouls” where you would kick a woman out of your bed for…but this chick is so hot you’re willing to overlook that.
Mr. Rogers believed this. Never talk down to children. Speak simply, but not stupidly. Instead of crappy kids show music, he ended each episode with some really first-class jazz piano. Go look some of them up on YouTube, they’re fantastic.
The secret to understanding crappy American kids TV is that nobody is watching it. Only kids, and how do they know what’s good? These shows provide badly needed employment to incompetent people who nonetheless require that they work in media. They’re arty people, see? They can’t work in an office! Their creativity must be acknowledged!