Retrosound [none/use name]
Western food is popular and the restaurants fill up every evening. It’s even expensive, though not super expensive.
Even though “western food” isn’t even a category in western countries. Where else can you find seafood, gnocchi, cracker-crust pizza and borscht all on the same menu?
I long thought we should have this. Since it’s long past impossible to stop athletes from juicing, and if they didn’t do drugs then they wouldn’t be in the Olympics in the first place. Plus, the Olympics are totally corrupt assholes. I quit watching several Olympics ago and doubt I will ever pick up the habit again. Sad, really.
I hate that too. These little % modifiers are so mechanical and dull. Ooh, look, now I have +38% instead of +34%! Awesome! Totally worth spending two hours in that cave furiously clicking!
But whaddaya gonna do? An entire generation of gamers has been taught that this is the correct way to play. The old-fashioned way, with leveling, where you will perhaps level seven times throughout the game, is rejected as insufficiently rewarding. They want constant reinforcement and cheering, all the way. It’s why they play the games in the first place.
The lunch of suffering is those boxes you get on the Harmony trains. They haven’t changed them since the service inaugurated and they suck suck suck. Compare with the eki-ben on the Shinkansen and it’s a brutal crime what they’re doing to train riders. Most people don’t even bother, they just bring a cup-o-noodles and add the free hot water.
Bring up Rand Paul and watch their “bipartisanship” dry up and disappear. Or what’s the guy’s name, the Republican who was shot by that Bernie bro on the baseball field? He didn’t die, but he got fucked up bigtime.
Or just bring up the fact that they’re siding with the DC establishment against the interests of the people. It probably won’t work, but remember comments are for those not participating in the discussion.
What’s wrong with glory holes? The CDC told us to use them! They’re a way to have hot sex without spreading COVID.
On the question of taking to Cuban and Venezuelan ‘expats’.
You might as well talk to New Yorkers who immigrated from middle America about their hometowns. Are you going to get a balanced viewpoint? Hell no, they’ll tell you how horrible their old homes were and how right they were to leave. They’ll even make up stuff: what, are you going to go there and check or something?
Meanwhile the people who live there like it very well and wouldn’t move to New York City if you paid them.
Unions, everyone.
I can’t wait for when they raise the sub in a few months and we get treated to the videos the billionaires recorded as they lay on the bottom running out of air. Journalists will report they were so stunning and brave in their last moments!